2x YT medium Powder microbial growth medium 2xYT Medium …
2xYT (2x Yeast Extract Tryptone medium) is a standard microbial growth medium used for the cultivation of E. coli and M13 bacteriophage. This nutrient-rich microbial broth contains …
2xYT培养基2YT培养基2xYT肉汤2YT肉汤购买价格、配方、配制方 …
2xYT培养基(2x YT medium)是一种标准微生物学生长培养基,主要用于培养M13噬菌体和其它ssDNA噬菌体。 2x YT生长培养基用于培养重组E. coli菌株;扩增M13噬菌体和其它单链DNA …
Preparation of 2 X YT Medium - Laboratory Notes
admin Leave a Comment on Preparation of 2 X YT Medium. The 2 x YT medium, also known as 2 x TY medium, is a rich medium. It is recommended for the growth and propagation of E. coli …
本系列产品含有酵母提取物、胰蛋白胨及氯化钠或琼脂,经过特殊加工处理,混合更均匀,溶解性更好。 可迅速配制相应2×YT培养基,并可根据后续试验的需要加入筛选用抗生素。 使用起来方便 …
2x YT medium - Sharebiology
2xYT medium is a nutritionally rich liquid formulation that is used for the propagation of recombinant strains of Escherichia coli. It is the recommended medium for the culturing of …
2x YT medium Liquid microbial growth medium 2xYT Medium
2xYT ( 2x Yeast Extract Tryptone medium) is a standard microbial growth medium used for the cultivation of E. coli and M13 bacteriophage. This nutrient-rich microbial broth contains …
2x YT 培养基 Powder microbial growth medium | Sigma-Aldrich
2x YT 培养基可用于培养用于克隆的 大肠杆菌 BL21 、用于支架合成的 大肠杆菌 SS320 细胞 ,以及用于原间隔区相邻基序 (PAM) 结合试验的 NEB 5-alpha 感受态 大肠杆菌 细胞。 它还被用 …
2x YT肉汤培养基,即用型 - sangon.com
2×YT Medium is suitable for the preparation of E.coli strain infected with M13 bacteriophage. Microbiologically tested. Each capsule contains 6.2 g of 2x YT medium, is used for 200 ml of …
2x YT 培养基 - cnreagent.com
2x YT培养基已用于培养根癌农杆菌和DH10B大肠杆菌。 适用于非选择性培养M13噬菌体和大肠杆菌菌株,用于克隆、DNA质粒生产和重组蛋白生产。 当加入适当的抗生素时,也适合选择性 …
2x YT medium Powder microbial growth medium 2xYT Medium
2xYT (2x Yeast Extract Tryptone medium) is a standard microbial growth medium used for the cultivation of E. coli and M13 bacteriophage. This nutrient-rich microbial broth contains …