My Brother at 3 A.M. | The Poetry Foundation
at 3 a.m., she was in her nightgown, Dad was asleep. looking over his shoulder. What's going on? she asked. Who wants to kill you? He looked over his shoulder. The devil does. Look at him, …
Waking at 3 a.m. by William Stafford - All Poetry
Analysis (ai): The poem presents a solitary, introspective moment of awakening at 3 a.m. amidst the solitude of darkness. It begins with feelings of isolation and loneliness before gradually …
My Brother at 3 A.M. by Natalie Diaz - Poem Analysis
‘ My Brother at 3 A.M. ‘ by Natalie Diaz describes a terrifying night in which a mother discovers her son on the front porch and witnesses his transformation. The poem begins with the mother …
3 am: A Poem – fiction and writing
5 天之前 · 3 am: A Poem. Written by . Joseph Belix. in. Uncategorized. this dead street is friction, rust copper light sitting, in front a closed store. two men knuckle cigarette, clutching knives in …
My Brother At 3 AM - Poems | Academy of American Poets
When Mom unlocked and opened the front door at 3 a.m., she was in her nightgown, Dad was asleep. He wants to kill me, he told her, looking over his shoulder. 3 a.m. and in her …
Poetry - 3:AM Magazine
Each of these poems are an attempt to find meaning amongst the noise, whether through erasure, putting on another persona, or leaning into absurd. New Poetry by Quinn Elise Rennerfeldt . …
3 am - Power Poetry
3 am is so much more exciting. it was asif I belonged out there in the freezing cold; experiencing life in its beautiful flesh and I was not alone, maybe thats the reason why it was so liberating
Poem: Waking at 3 a.m by William Stafford - PoetryNook.Com
Even in the cave of the night when you wake and are free and lonely, neglected by others, discarded, loved only by what doesn't matter--even in that big room no one can see, you push …
The Classic 3 am poem - a poem by Oof - All Poetry
It’s 3 am, Once again the psychos and creeps that wonder my mind are screaming their testimonies; “The pain will never end,” Burning sensation of a knife gliding across, The …
3 Am - 3 Am Poem by Nina gáspari - Poem Hunter
2010年8月3日 · Read 3 Am poem by Nina gáspari written. 3 Am poem is from Nina gáspari poems. 3 Am poem summary, analysis and comments.