3 ABY | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Darth Vader returned to the planet Naboo in 3 ABY. Vader launches a quest to find who hid Luke Skywalker from him, only to instead reunite with Sabé [11] and return to Naboo, where he comes into conflict with Sabé and the Amidalans.
3 ABY | Legacy Wiki | Fandom
During a duel with Darth Vader on Cloud City, Luke Skywalker learns that the Sith Lord is his father. Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, Leia Organa, C-3PO, and R2-D2 are reunited with the Rebel forces and began their quest to …
3 ABY | Star Wars Canon Wiki | Fandom
Three years after the Battle of Yavin.
Events in 3 ABY - Wookieepedia | Fandom
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Battle of Jovatur (3 ABY) - DJ's SWRP Wiki
The Battle of Jovatur, more commonly referred to as the Liberation of Jovatur, was a military operation conducted by the Tobeki Liberation Army in 3 ABY. After the Tobeki victory, the Empire fully withdrew from Tobek as a whole.
3 ABY | SW1ki | Fandom
30 ABY covers events before the timeline of the game that include or impact game characters. For more information about what happened during this year see the 3 ABY article on Wookieepedia.
ABY3: A Mixed Protocol Framework for Machine Learning - 知乎
本次介绍的论文是Mohassel, Payman 和 Rindal, Peter发表在 CCS'18 上的ABY3。 本文主要包括以下几个方面: 本文考虑了 semi-honest 和 malicious with abort 两种情况。 本文探索基于三方服务器的隐私保护机器学习框架,改进前人的工作所遇到的挑战有以下几个方面: 使用基于布尔电路和混乱电路的定点小数乘法方法,但是其效率将又大大增加。 2. ML中的涉及到大量的算术计算与布尔运算,往往使用混合协议的方式比使用单一协议的方法要更高效,但是现有的转换协议已 …
3 ABY | Star Wars: Exodus Visual Encyclopedia | Fandom
The following events occurred exclusively in the Exodus galaxy during 3 ABY. Fearing their growing influence, Prince Xizor targets the Triad of Vigos he created for destruction. The Triad is destroyed although the principle members manage to …
3 ABY | Star Wars Wikia | Fandom
3 ABY was 3 years after the Battle of Yavin. Jedi vs. Sith - The Skywalker Saga Han and Chewie - A Lifelong Partnership Han Solo - From Smuggler to General Stormtroopers vs. Rebels – Soldiers of the Galactic Empire Princess Leia – The Rescue 5-Minute Star Wars Stories 5-Minute Star Wars Stories Strike Back 5-Minute Star Wars Villain …
3 ABY | Wookieepedia | Fandom
3 ABY was the third year after the Battle of Yavin in the Galactic Standard Calendar. This year was known as Year 1,003 after the Ruusan Reformation.