3 BBY - Wookieepedia
Dawn of Rebellion states that Phoenix Cell established Chopper Base on Atollon three years before the Battle of Yavin or 3 BBY. Since "Twilight of the Apprentice", which depicts the Eighth Brother, Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister's deaths, takes place after that, they died in 3 BBY.
3 BBY | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The book places that event in the year of 1000 BBY of the Galactic Standard Calendar—which was based around the date of the Battle of Yavin—therefore establishing a difference of one thousand years between the two dating systems.
3 BBY | Restore and Save Star Wars Wiki | Fandom
3 BBY General Information. Universe. Earth-Prime. Era(s) Imperial Era. Age(s) Reign of the Empire. Before. 4 BBY. Current. 3 BBY. After. 2 BBY. Dates in other dating systems. Year. 7974 in the Coruscant reckoning calendar. Year. 3274 LY in the Lothal Calendar. Year. 16 After the Formation of the Empire. Facts and statistics.
3 BBY | SW1ki | Fandom
3 BBY covers events before the timeline of the game that include or impact game characters. For more information about what happened during this year see the 3 BBY article on Wookieepedia.
Great Jedi Purge | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The Great Jedi Purge (19 BBY—3 BBY), also known as the war against the Jedi, was the sixteen year—long genocide that saw the scattered survivors of the Jedi Order hunted down by the Galactic Empire after the initial execution of Order 66, in which clone troopers slaughtered the Jedi upon the Sith Lord Darth Sidious' command.
3 BBY | STAR WARS: Tales of the Galaxy | Fandom
The following events took place in the year 3 BBY. To see the events, click here then click off the untitled tab and look at the list for the year.
3 BBY | Swfanf Wiki | Fandom
The following events took place in 3 BBY. Gallofree Yards, Inc. went bankrupt. Canna Omonda became senator of Chandrila, replacing Mon Mothma. Lando Calrissian saved the Oswaft people. Tavell Geen became Scrivinir of the Centrality. The first recorded encounter with a Yarkora Narg was taken over...
3 BBY - Star Wars Fanon
Condorians rebel against Sienar Fleet Systems slavers, taking control of a small portion of the corporation's assets. The Imperial data storage facility on Jabran is destroyed. Railok starts his training on the Imperial Academy of Carida by the age of nine.
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3 BBY | Star Wars Wikia | Fandom
3 BBY is 3 years before the Battle of Yavin. Lost Stars Lost Stars (audiobook) Leia, Princess of Alderaan Leia, Princess of Alderaan (audiobook) Leia Organa: Ordeal of the Princess Last Shot Last Shot (audiobook) Bounty of Trouble Forces of Destiny: The Leia Chronicles Forces of Destiny: The Leia Chronicles audiobook Accidental Allies The Future of the Force Ice Breaking Vulnerable Areas ...
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