3 Ph Motor conversion to PM alternator | Electronics Forum …
2010年1月28日 · G'day Tcmtech, Great review on doing an elcheapo way of converting a 3 phase motor to a wind genny. With the 12 wires coming out you can have heaps of wiring options. 1 Y, 1 delta, 2 Y 2 Delta etc. Depending on the thickness of the wire will dictate the current you can get.
3 Phase Induction Motor ( 195 V - 3,7 A - 290 Hz ) How to operate
2022年9月24日 · C.E.SET. CIM 60/55-132/AD 3 Phase Induction Motor For Automatic Washer 195 V - 3,7 A 800 W 290 Hz 17000 rpm Ins. Class. 155 Cod. W160027977.02 As the type label say's it is a 3 Phase Induction Motor. Also I kept both control boards. I am wondering a little about the value of the frequency (290 Hz). I want just to play a little with the motor. e.g.
fidget spinner electric Ac generator :) and pulse motor powered …
2017年8月7日 · 3. New experiments using Helium-3 (a non-radioactive isotope of helium with two protons and one neutron (common helium having two neutrons) - there is no free energy..... I never presented small Ac generator, pulse motor, fidget spinner AC generator as a free energy device!!! or a perpetuum mobile!!!!! Now back to ower sheep.
PWM and DC motor for mobile robot | Electronics Forum (Circuits ...
2006年9月10日 · You connect you 5-0 v output from one side and the motor from another side, power the IC with 5v, 12v and ground and Voila! you've got your motor running, If the motor is drains more that 1 A, or of the motor driver L293d get hot, use L298, its the same but with higher protection and current cut-off to protect the IC itself from too high loads.
6 x 3/4, OV, PH, PTCL BLK ZINC, LCS Driver, Low Freq 265H (362048-001X) Cone Repl C8R265 265H-1 (363837-003X)
AC motor control with an H-bridge | Electronics Forum (Circuits ...
2013年2月8日 · A 3W 1rev/min AC motor is a microwave turntable motor, or equivalent. You can't control the direction it will randomly start in either direction. Also it's a synchronous AC motor so you can't speed control it. I suggest you look on ebay for "DC gearmotor" there are a ton of them sold for hobby robot use etc.
Single phase motor - how to change direction of rotation?
2010年10月30日 · You've got a 3 phase motor, being run as a single phase motor, which is quite common. You can't get full power from it, but it's a perfectly good way of running a motor. The red wires are one phase, the yellow the second, and the blue the third. They are normally wired with the three phases to one row of terminals.
Sinusoidal Control of BLDC motor | Electronics Forum (Circuits ...
2018年5月4日 · The sine-wave frequency will be decided by the rotation speed of the motor from the hall sensors. You don't get to pick the sine frequency without also changing the RPM. You need the PWM frequency to be higher than the rotational frequency by enough so that you can filter out all the square harmonics to get an approximate sine-wave (although I ...
TIP142 Stepper motor driver - Electronics Forum (Circuits, Projects …
2010年9月28日 · yup the L298 goes up to 50 V and 2-3 amps , that is the actual driver, ] the L297 is the control circuit, its only 5vor watever, but it allows you to command the stepper with simple input switches, inputs are: reset, enable, full/half steps, direction, and of couse a clock input
24VDC Wheelchair Motor Help - Electronics Forum (Circuits, …
2010年5月27日 · Just had a brainwave: If the silver bands on the motors are the brush ports (and thus the back of the motor), I bet that the the black cap at the back of the motor is the braking system. Spinning the motor with the brake on makes this hot due to friction! A close up of this part of the motor and the silver band would help confirm this.