What is a Sone and How Can You Improve Yours? - Broan-NuTone
3.0 sones: A fan rated at 3.0 sones will be roughly as loud as a face-to-face conversation 4.0 sones: This sone level is typically what people will listen to the TV in their home at 5.0 sones: …
Sones Ratings and Charts - Better Soundproofing
2022年5月23日 · Range hoods typically produce between 3 and 7 sones of sound. With some as quiet as one sone and some as loud as 13 sones. The following comparison table will help you …
What Are Bathroom Fan Sone Ratings? (2025 Guide On Loudness)
2024年12月30日 · Bathroom exhaust fans in the 2-3 sones range are considered average to mediocre on the sound loudness scale. If your bathroom exhaust fan is 4.0 sones or higher, …
Simple Sones To dB Calculator (With 0.3, 1.5, 3.0 Sone Examples)
3 Sones is equal to 43.74 dB. This is a sound we can hear quite easily. We have used the Sones to dB conversion in our article about the best bathroom exhaust fans (you can check it out here).
Sone - Wikipedia
To be fully precise, a measurement in sones must be specified in terms of the optional suffix G, which means that the loudness value is calculated from frequency groups, and by one of the …
dB 至 Sons 在线计算器 - calculatorshub.net
2024年9月5日 · dB 到 Sones 计算器使用的转换公式如下: S = 2^ (0.1 * (L – 40)) 地点: S 代表以宋为单位测量的响度。 L 代表声音级别,单位为分贝 (dB)。 该公式提供了一种直接且简单的 …
What is a Sone Rating - Sylvane
0 - 2 sones is considered Very Quiet. 3 - 6 sones is considered Quiet. 7 - 9 sones is considered Annoying. More than 10 sones is considered Potentially Damaging.
什么是响度和响度级? - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2021年12月27日 · 响度不仅跟声强有关,还跟频率有关,单位为 宋 (sone)。 响度1宋的定义为: 声压级 为40dB,频率为1000Hz,来自听者正前 方 的平面声波的强度。 如果另一个声音听 …
1 sone等于多少分贝 - 百度知道
2018年4月6日 · 2020-02-29 0.3宋等于多少分贝啊? 2014-04-28 1分贝等于多少赫兹 22 2017-05-24 一个分贝等于多少赫兹 43 2013-08-31 人平时说话的声音有多少分贝? 516 2010-07-14 响 …
3.0sones是多少db_百度问一问 - Baidu
2023年3月29日 · 一般来说,根据国际标准,1 sone等于40 decibels(dB)。 因此,3.0 sones等同于120 dB。 此外,1宋的定义为声压级为40dB,频率为1000Hz,且来自听者正前方的平面 …