304TL, Tube 304TL; Röhre 304TL ID16992, Transmitting Triode ...
Tube 304TL or Röhre 304TL ID16992, Transmitting Triode, air cooled, Large 4 pin Bayonet and Power/Output shown. Radio tubes are valves.
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304TL - Tube Data
The EIMAC 304TL is a low-mu, power triode having a maximum plate dissipation rating of 300 watts, and is intended for use as an amplifier, oscillator or modulator, where maximum performance can be obtained at low plate voltage. It can be used at its maximum ratings at frequencies as high as 40 MHz.
304TL Eimac Low-Mu Power Triode (NOS) - RF Parts
The Eimac 304TL is a low-mu, power triode having a maximum plate dissipation rating of 300 watts. Intended for use as an amplifier, oscillator or modulator. It can be used at its maximum ratings at frequencies as high as 40 MHz.
DRIVING POWER vs. POWER OUTPUT 304TL 70 60 . 60 E,1500VOLTS EIMAC . The three Charts on this page show the relationship Of plate efficiency, power output and grid driving power at plate voltages Of 1500, 2000 and 3000 volts.
304TL - n6jv.com
The 304TL is a 300 watt general purpose triodes made by paralleling four 75TL tubes in one envelope. The TLs or VT-129 tubes were used extensively in WWII as pulse modulators in the SCR-268 radar sets and as amplifiers in other equipment.
EIMAC - Transmitting Tubes - Tubes - Transmitting, Audio, Misc.
The Eimac 304TH is a medium-mu power triode intended for use as an amplifier, occilator or modulator. It has a maximum plate dissapation rating of 300 watts and a maximum plate voltage rating of 3000 volts at frequencies up to 40 Mc. 1200 …
304TL based Class A - diyAudio
2007年1月20日 · I am new to the forum but I have been reading about the 833A based SE amps. I have a supply of 304TL tubes. Would this tube be suitable for a class A SE...
304tl se amp - diyAudio
2009年3月26日 · The 304TL is 2A3-ish in plate Z. 3x the gain and gm leaves R_p the same. Running them with filaments in series is asking for it; two triodes go ~7.1 volts positive, and two go 7.1V negative. Far better IMO to have the four halves of each filaments going half that amount.
304TL under test - diyAudio
2019年10月1日 · Both 304tl and 304th have low mu, low enough for a SE amplifier. I have tried both and work excellent. The 304th is a higher mu version of 304tl gut not so high to be prohibited for SE CLASS A service. Also, their RP is between 600 and 1000 ohm according to my tests making them particularly suited for SEclassA.
304TL RICHARDSON ELECTRONICS, Electron Tube | Newark …
Buy 304TL - RICHARDSON ELECTRONICS - Electron Tube. Newark Electronics offers fast quotes, same day dispatch, fast delivery, wide inventory, datasheets & technical support.