12.5” AR-10 .308 SBR Thoughts? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2019年6月13日 · A 12.5" .308 is pushing a 175gr at similar speeds to what a 12.5" 300blk pushes a 110gr bullet. Far more energy on target with much higher ballistic coefficients. I'm not going to defend the practicality of the .308 SBR though as it is a heavy pig. With a loaded mag and suppressor attached I'm looking at 12-13 pounds.
308 sbr effectiveness? | Glock Talk
2014年7月7日 · A SBR'd 308 can definitely be effective, but you run into the same problems as any other SBR - possible reliability loss, reduced ballistics and effectiveness, massive increase in flash and blast, and requirement for better bullet selection to make sure you get good terminal effects from the reduced velocity.
308 SBR - Sniper's Hide Forum
2017年2月12日 · I am thinking about 13-14 inch 308 sbr as a good all around rifle. Put a 3-15 type optic on it with a rmr offset. Use the rmr for 100 yards in amd the magnified for out to 700. Thoughts or insight on this set up? Has anyone done it and learned anything you thought worth sharing? Anyone have...
Thought about doing a .308 SBR, opinions? - AR15.COM
2020年4月4日 · I have a Sig 716 12.5 SBR, an FN (Imbel) FAL para in 13", a CMT 308 AR in 10.5. The 716 is bearable, but heavy. The FN is just a delight to carry. The CMT is way lighter than the SIG, but the muzzle blast is obnoxious. I was going to SBR my SCAR-H, but I kinda nixed that idea due to the price of the barrel.
SLR .308 SBR | Sniper's Hide Forum
I have an 11.5" 308* and it's a blast to shoot. Literally. You're going to want a blast deflector of some sort or a suppressor rated for a 12.5 308 semi-auto. My biggest challenges revolved around the LAW Tactical Adapter not locking up tight enough and causing some binding. I also had to switch to an A5 system.
308 SBR - AR15.COM
2012年5月10日 · Seems like good ballistics for an SBR 308. "Accuracy firing with a prototype 12-inch barreled HK417 carbine and 10X optical sight was conducted with user representatives using US M118LR ammunition. Firing multiple 3-shot groups at 100 - 500 yards lines, the average group size for all four shooters was 1.3 MOA from an HK417 carbine with 12-inch ...
Range Report .308 Ballistics from an 13" SBR info request
2006年5月12日 · Barnes also makes a 110 gr 308 bullet just for SBR's that can be pushed to near 5.56 velocities from a short gun. The one worth waiting for is from ATK. They've been working on an optimized SBR duty load that will meet or exceed all FBI protocol requirements from 12" - …
should I do a 12.5" 308 SBR? any pointers? - AR15.COM
2020年2月11日 · Im not new to 308's nor SBR's in general... but ive kinda had a bug to do a 308in 12.5. I personally blame the 11" POF 308 MRR rail ive had in my safe for the last 8 years and the fact i finally found an "old style" 308 stripped receiver for said rail after looking for 5+ years.
Barrel Options for a SBR 308 rifle? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2019年10月7日 · I'm also a beginner shooter, and I don't know too much about AR10's or 308 barrel life, but I read its somewhere between 5000-8000 rounds for the 308 caliber. I would like my 308 SBR to last at least 6,000 rounds without losing accuracy, but I'd like to treat it more like my BCM and let it get a little hot without being concerned about it.
SBR .308 - AR15.COM
2024年4月14日 · ETA: I'll also point out that i have a 12.5" 308 Rogue sbr as well as a 16" 308 Rogue. I'm not saying 12.5" answers every question, or 308 is always the best option. But i think between 556 and 308 in various barrel lengths, most cases are covered.