Chinese Norinco NDM-86 / SVD (Early Style) - RussianOptics
The NDM86 is the Chinese version of the Russian SVD rifle and is patterned after the early SVD design. These rifles were manufactured by Norinco and about 500 were brought into the US. Around 1000 NDM86's in .308 were also brought in and over 2000 Tigers.
SVD (rifle) - Wikipedia
The SVD (СВД; Russian: снайперская винтовка Драгунова, romanized: snayperskaya vintovka Dragunova, lit. 'Dragunov sniper rifle'), GRAU index 6V1, [2] is a semi-automatic designated marksman rifle/sniper rifle [3] chambered in the 7.62×54mmR …
NDM-86: The Chinese Dragon Of Dragunovs - RECOIL
2023年1月2日 · With English markings and the option for .308 chambering, it seemed an ideal import model for a large market eager for such rifles. The NDM-86 shown here is slightly different from the SVD in a few minor ways, though not immediately obvious to the casual observer.
Norinco NDM-86 - Cash My Guns
2024年4月10日 · The NDM-86 comes in two primary calibers: the original 7.62x54R, used by the Soviet Union’s SVD, and the more unusual .308 Winchester (7.62×51 NATO). Both versions are valued by collectors, but each has its unique appeal.
SVD狙擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
德拉古諾夫狙击步枪 (俄语: Снайперская Винтовка системы Драгунова образца 1963 года,拉丁化:Snayperskaya Vintovka Dragunova obraztsa 1963 goda,意為:德拉古諾夫系統狙击步枪1963年型,簡稱:СВД,拉丁化:SVD),是由 苏联 槍械設計師 叶夫根尼·费奥多罗维奇·德拉贡诺夫 在1958—1963年间设计的一种半自动 狙击步枪。 該槍是史上第一種以支援 班 排 級狙擊與長距離火力支援用途而專門設計的狙擊步槍,與先前各國軍隊直接在現有軍用步槍或民 …
碳板选m700,308伤害可忽略 - 百度贴吧
全火狙击的情况下.308完全够用了,射速最快的拉栓狙。 当然如果是4人传奇,还是只能用白死,伤害秒不了四人传奇金皮不如不打狙。 来自 Android客户端 14楼 2023-03-07 17:28
2008年9月24日 · RARE NORINCO NDM-86 SVD DRAGUNOV SNIPER RIFLE IN 7.62X51MM OR .308 CALIBER WITH SCOPE. Brand new with cased matching scope. BTC, CA. import marks. All correct and unfired. Scope with no signs of use and comes in matching carrying case with all acc. and manuals. Perfect optics. All screws unturned. Original black paint on metal parts.
SVD - 火器百科
虎式猎枪具有多种口径形式,提供狩猎与运动使用,其中包括可以使用.308 Winchester子弹。 中国 79式狙击步枪 由中国军方兵工厂生产的SVD仿制品,属早期试仿制生产型号,产量比较小,现在已经很少见。
枪械科普:德拉贡若夫SVD - 哔哩哔哩
德拉古诺夫狙击步枪(俄语:Снайперская Винтовка системы Драгунова образца 1963 года,拉丁化:Snayperskaya Vintovka Dragunova obraztsa 1963 goda,意为:德拉古诺夫系统狙击步枪1963年型,简称:СВД,拉丁化:SVD),是由苏联枪械设计师叶夫根尼·费奥多罗维奇·德拉贡诺夫在1958—1963年间设计的一种半自动狙击步枪。 该枪是史上第一种以支援班排级狙击与长距离火力支援用途而专门设计的狙击步枪,与先前各国军队直接在现有军用步枪或民用步 …
SVD NDM-86 (308) Shooting ½” groups. | Sniper's Hide Forum
2009年4月7日 · SVD NDM-86 (308) Shooting ½” groups. I always wanted to have a SVD, but in the 308 version because I had heard that they were very accurate. I have seen postings about how great they shoot, but thought people were stretching the truth a little. LOL. I came across one on Gun Broker a couple of months ago and broke down and pulled the trigger on it.