30 mm caliber - Wikipedia
The 30 mm caliber is a range of autocannon ammunition. It includes the NATO standardized Swiss 30×173mm (STANAG 4624), the Soviet 30×155mmB, 30×165mm and 30×210mmB, the Czechoslovak 30×210mm, the Yugoslav 30×192mm, the British 30×113mmB, and the French 30×150mmB and 30×170mm cartridges.
浅谈步战车埋头弹自动炮 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
30x165 (Current Russian naval,俄军通用弹种)。 注:编号的规则是“口径x弹壳长度”,比如30x165代表口径30mm,弹壳长度165mm。 后缀代码字母为:R(Rimmed)全底缘,SR(Semi-rimmed)半底缘,B(Belted)底带。
Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-1 - Wikipedia
The Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-1[1] (also known by the GRAU index designation 9A-4071K) is a 30 mm autocannon designed for use on Soviet and later Russian military aircraft, entering service in the early 1980s. Its current manufacturer is the Russian company JSC Izhmash.
The Rounds are used to defeat manpower, ground unarmored and light armored vehicles, enemy manpower and air targets. 30 mm GSh-30 / GSh-30K / GSh-6-30 / GSh-301 automatic guns installed on Su-25 / Su-27 / Yak-141 / MiG-29 aircraft / Mi-24P helicopters, and others.
中国急需研制小口径无后座力速射炮 - 观察者网风闻社区
求教,我军现役30mm炮弹一共有几种? - 百度贴吧
30×165弹药动能不及MK44的30×173。 现在情况是2A72性能烂却又是土鳖陆炮主力。 其实2A42,2A72也没有那么不堪。 2A42能打出机枪的射速重量比M242还轻。 2A42打低射速精度还是可以的。 弹药不行主要还是毛子的问题,还在用风帽穿甲弹,国产30已经全面普及脱穿了. 30弹是杂。 不说别的,同样规格的30弹,海军用电底火,陆军用机械底火。 陆:海军马鹿! 海:陆军马鹿! JPG. 目前看来,海军730用一种脱穿,1130又用了新的APFSDS,拦截导弹/精确制导武器 …
30x165 mm ROUNDS FOR AUTOMATIC GUNS 2A38, 2A42 AND 2A72 - Arsenal JSCo. - Bulgarian manufacturer of weapons and ammunition since 1878.
Tankograd: 30x165mm Cartridges - Blogger
The Soviet 30x165mm caliber is a family of high performance 30mm ammunition used in a wide variety of autocannons intended for aircraft, ships and ground vehicles.
30x165mm Round STING with AP-T Projectile - bulcomersks
The 30 x 165 mm AP-T STING Round is intended to engage light to medium armoured ground and air targets with armour of up to 30 mm. The round engages both soft (aircraft type) and hard (IFV type) targets and has more than 50% higher armour penetration compared to …
30 x 165 mm round with Armour-Piercing Tracer Projectile (AP …
30 x 165 mm round with Armour-Piercing Tracer Projectile (AP-T) For 30 mm Aircraft Automatic Guns GSh-30, GSh-301 and GSh-6-30