G 310 GS | BMW Motorrad
The G 310 GS is the perfect companion for discovering your city, beyond its borders and off the asphalt roads. Thanks to the comfortable GS ergonomics and high-quality equipment, this bike is designed for everyday riding.
Bmw G 310 Gs Motorcycles For Sale - Cycle Trader
Browse our extensive inventory of new and used Bmw G motorcycles from local Bmw dealers and private sellers. Compare prices, models, trims, options and specifications between different Bmw motorcycles on Cycle Trader. The 2022 BMW G 310 GS is a top-class standard motorcycle known for its performance and style.
BMW G 310 GS Price - Mileage, Images, Colours - BikeWale
BMW G 310 GS is a adventure bike available in only 1 variant and 4 colours. The BMW G 310 GS is powered by 313cc BS6 engine which develops a power of 33.52 bhp and a torque of 28 Nm. With both front and rear disc brakes, BMW G 310 GS comes up with anti-locking braking system.
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Data & Equipment | G 310 GS | BMW Motorrad
The G 310 GS stands for pure riding enjoyment – whether making daily rides around the city or trips into the surrounding areas. In the typical relaxed GS seat position, you have a perfect view of every adventure. Find out all about the technical data and extensive standard equipment here.
这可能是史上最全的单车试驾 宝马G310GS长测完结篇丨长测_搜狐 …
2018年12月20日 · 2018年3月23日,宝马在中国市场推出了入门级拉力车G310GS,一时间成为国内小排量车型中的热点话题。 翌日,自由机械启动了对G310GS长达八个月的长测使用,截止到撰稿日期,共发布了14篇测试稿件,对外观、动态表现、赛道性能、后市场配套设施、中长距离摩旅、入门/深度越野表现及GS与R系列的对比等七个方向进行了深度体验。 不同于之前做过的那些常规车型试驾,在二百七十多天的相处中,我们切身感受到了G310GS在使用过程中的所带来的 …
数据和配置 | G 310 GS | BMW Motorrad
bmw g 310 gs。 无论是往返于城市间,还是穿越郊外乡间、森林小径或崎岖山路,G 310 GS 能为每位骑手带来纯粹的骑行享受。 经典的 GS 座椅位置带来轻松的坐驾感受,使骑手能够准确地观察前方,轻松应对每一个挑战。
BMW G 310 GS Price - Images, Colors, Features
BMW G 310 GS, an adventure bike with a powerful 313 cc engine, starting at ₹3.30 lakhs in India & available in 3 colors. Check BMW G310GS price, specs & images.
2023 BMW G 310 GS Review - Cycle World
2024年1月19日 · BMW’s G 310 GS follows design cues from its larger sibling, the R 1250 GS, giving the lightweight adventure bike full-size aesthetics with a relatively low seat height of …
2020款宝马 G 310 GS价格参数图片视频-摩托车官网
二、动力性能 G 310 GS搭载了一台单缸水冷四冲程发动机,排量313cc,最大功率约34马力,峰值扭矩28 Nm。 发动机低转速扭矩输出充足,适合城市通勤及乡村小道行驶,同时具备一定高速行驶能力。
G 310 GS | BMW Motorrad
g 310 gs 上的把手、踏板和操作部件平衡分布,采用了典型的 gs 座椅,更加适合亚洲骑士轻松坐上座椅,获得开阔的视野和准确的操控。