T32 heavy tank - Wikipedia
The T32 heavy tank was a heavy tank project started by the United States Army to create an appropriate successor to the M4A3E2 Sherman "Jumbo". The US Ordnance board managed the production of four prototypes, the main goal being to have the new tank share many common parts with the M26 Pershing.
T32重型坦克 - 百度百科
4辆T32样车全部采用90毫米T15E2坦克炮和7.62毫米 并列机枪。 T32采用分装弹,发射10.89千克重的T43 穿甲弹 时炮口初速为982米/秒,发射7.57千克重的高速穿甲弹时为1150米/秒。 前两辆样车车体采用铸造装甲,正面装甲厚127毫米,倾角54°,炮塔正面装甲厚298毫米,炮塔后部装甲厚152毫米;主驾驶员和副驾驶员都有一具位于舱盖口上的 潜望镜。 3、4号样车则采用了焊接式装甲,供驾驶员使用的宽视角潜望镜设置在炮塔正面。 1945年8月3、4号样车被命名为T32E1 重 …
Tanks of the Polish Armoured Forces - Wikipedia
Poland designed tanks from those it acquired and the Polish armoured forces were given the single turret 7TP tank which was the best Polish tank available in numbers when the war broke out, derived from the Vickers Mark E tank.
PZInz 32TP wzór.44 and wzór.46 "Lwica" - Land Equipment
2016年10月2日 · The 32TP wz.44 tank was designed by PZInz as a replacement for the 26TP wz.42, itself a heavily-modified variant of the German Panzer IV tank. The 32TP was designed to provide superior firepower and protection in comparison to the 26TP.
32tp - Land Equipment - WesWorld
2013年7月2日 · The 32TP was designed to provide superior firepower and protection in comparison to the 26TP. An 85mm gun, based of an anti-tank gun prototyped in 1942, provided enhanced firepower in comparison to the previous 75mm guns used on Polish tanks.
深入了解ISO TANK--罐式集装箱(集装罐tank container) - 知乎
用于装运酒类、油类、液体食品、化学药品等液体货物的集装箱。 主要由液罐和框架构成。 液罐为椭圆形或近似球形,采用双层结构。 内壁采用不锈钢;或用其他刚性材料制成,但需涂布一层环氧树脂,防止液体货物的腐蚀。 外壁采用 保温材料。 一般罐顶有圆形的装货口,罐底有卸货阀。 有高压液罐、低压液罐、保温液罐、带加热装置液罐等数种。 框架采用高强度钢材制成,液罐放在框架中间。 罐式集装箱的搬运操作、装货、卸货、贮藏均需一定专门场所,并配备专门的消 …
Standard Two Tank Softener - WaterSoft Inc
Features Vortech™ tank technology maximizing capacity and efficiency; Treated Water Refill with pre-brine option; Standard brine tank size 16” X 33” High Flow brine safety float assembly, …
• Standard brine tank size 16” X 33” • High Flow brine safety float assembly, overflow fitting, grid plate and brine well *96 Series only available in Vortech Units **Factory Salt Settings are 9 lbs / cu ft ***The pressure drop does not exceed 15 psi at …
The Russian T-32 Medium Battle Tank - TankNutDave.com
The Russian T-32 Medium Battle Tank started out as the A-32. The vehicle utilised the famous Christie suspension system, slopped steel armour and a 76.2mm main gun. The vehicle performed well in trials but combat experience in Finland saw the armour thickness increased and this vehicle entered production as a Medium Battle Tank in 1939.
Heavy Tank 32t BS PZInz. by withinamnesia on DeviantArt
2020年4月8日 · Weight: 32 Tonnes (minimum). Engine: 400-600 hp V-12 4 stroke diesel engine. Perhaps a Polish produced improved Saurer diesel engine with design ques even lifted from …