340B Drug Pricing Program | HRSA
The 340B Program enables covered entities to stretch scarce federal resources as far as possible, reaching more eligible patients and providing more comprehensive services. Manufacturers participating in Medicaid agree to provide outpatient drugs to covered entities at significantly reduced prices.
340B Eligibility | HRSA
Covered entities must immediately notify the Office of Pharmacy Affairs (OPA) in 340B OPAIS when there is a change in their eligibility, and stop purchasing drugs through the 340B Drug Pricing Program.
340B Educational Resources | HRSA
Our website provides resources to help 340B Program stakeholders with navigating the 340B Program, including registration and implementation, requirements compliance, program integrity, and more: Educational webinars; FAQs; Monthly program updates; Audit results; Manufacturer notices; Listen to our 340B Welcome Webinar for an introduction to ...
340B Office of Pharmacy Affairs Information System | HRSA
We have developed a new, integrated information system that focuses on three key priorities: security, user accessibility, and data accuracy.The 340B registration and pricing databases are known as the 340B Office of Pharmacy Affairs Information System (340B OPAIS).
Program Requirements | HRSA
Covered entities must meet these requirements to purchase drugs at 340B prices: Keep 340B Office of Pharmacy Affairs Information System (OPAIS) records accurate and up to date . Register all outpatient facilities and contract pharmacies.
Ceiling Price Lookup - Health Resources and Services Administration
Under section 340B(a) of the Public Health Service Act (PHSA), the 340B ceiling price is calculated by subtracting the unit rebate amount (URA) from the average manufacturer price (AMP) for the smallest unit of measure of each covered outpatient drug (as identified by the product's 11-digit National Drug Code (NDC).
The new 340B Office of Pharmacy Affairs Information System (340B OPAIS) replaced the legacy 340B Database in its entirety and includes security updates and enhancements for covered entity/manufacturer registrations, change requests, recertification, and other updates.
340B Patient Definition Compliance Resources | HRSA
HRSA’s 340B Program audits review covered entity compliance with several statutory provisions, including eligibility status, duplicate discounts, and diversion in accordance with sections 340B(a)(4), (5)(A) and (B) of the PHSA.
Office of Pharmacy Affairs 340B OPAIS - Health Resources and …
340B Drug Pricing Program Database. Home; Search. Search Covered Entities; Search Contract Pharmacies; Search Manufacturers; Reports; Help; Login; Welcome to 340B OPAIS. What would you like to do? Office of Pharmacy Affairs Main Menu. Search Reports I am a Participant. Have questions? Contact the 340B Prime Vendor
INTEGRATED 340B SYSTEMS: Build an integrated 340B Program across all practice settings. H. Develop, implement, and maintain comprehensive 340B policies and procedures. I. Generate auditable records that demonstrate compliance with 340B Program guidelines.