Viscosity measurements of R32 and R410A to 350 MPa
2017年11月1日 · Viscosity measurements of difluoromethane, CH 2 F 2 (R32), and of the binary mixture of R32 and pentafluoroethane, C 2 HF 5 (R125), at the mole fraction of x R32 = 0.6976 (mass fraction w R32 = 0.5) were carried out in this work at pressures of up to 350 MPa and on three isotherms at 313.15 K, 348.15 K, and 393.15 K (40 °C, 75 °C, and 120 °C).
制冷剂:R32 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
r32基本性能: 二氟甲烷,分子式:ch2f2。 物理性质:为无色、无味、轻微燃烧(a2级别)。冷媒r410a是无毒,不可燃(a1级别)不爆炸、无毒、可燃,但仍然是安全的制冷剂。 r32的热力学性能与r410a相近。 r22gwp值675。 r32与r410a性能对比
科普!R32与R410a,一场环保与安全的较量 - 百家号
2024年9月5日 · r32在热力性质上展现出了明显优势。据数据显示,r32的充注量仅为r410a的 0.71 倍,却能提供更高的制冷效果。 在理论循环性能方面,r32系统制冷量比r410a 高出12.6% ,尽管功耗增加了8.1%,但综合节能效果依然显著,能效比提高了约 4.3% 。 这意味着在相同制冷需求下,r32能显著降低能耗,减少运行成本。
Refrigerant R32 as lower GWP working fluid in residential air ...
2017年12月1日 · Laminar burning speeds of R32/air mixture for T=350 ... R32 mixtures as alternatives to R410A also reduce the compressor discharge temperature, but in some cases, their performances are slightly below than that of pure R32 and cannot produce a benefit in terms of the final CO 2-eq. emissions. R32 is not recommended as a direct replacement for ...
Viscosity measurements of R32 and R410A to 350 MPa
2017年11月1日 · Viscosity measurements were performed with a falling cylinder viscometer on difluoromethane (R32) and the refrigerant blend R410A (R32 + R125 with 50% by mass) at the temperatures 313.15 K, 348.15 K, and 393.15 K with pressures of 350 MPa. The measurement results are compared with literature data and with data calculated using an extended corresponding states (ECS) model.
Viscosity Measurements of R32 and R410A to 350 MPa
2017年11月1日 · This paper reports new measurements of the viscosity of R32 and R125, in both the liquid and the vapor phase, over the temperature range 220 to 343 K near the saturation line. The measurements in … Expand
Performance Investigation of R32 and R410a Refrigerants with …
2022年9月22日 · The results reveal that the optimum charge for R32 is 350 g that represents only 70% of the refrigerant amount for R410a. R32 performs better than R410a for both lubricants mixture. The R32-POE combination shows the best performance with 14% improvement from the baseline data. R32 performs better in the air conditioning originally design for ...
350gr Multicool-R32 Refrigerant Can replaces R32 and R410a
Effective alternative to R32, R410a and R410. Excellent energy efficiency and cooling capacity. Operation at pressures lower than those of synthetic refrigerants. Some ac systems are not suitable for MULTICOOL-HC32 (especially those in which pressure is used to control the system). availability: Available cans of 1000 ml (350 g).
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R32 - DAIKIN Chem
• R32 allows for reduced refrigerant charge, compact design and high energy efficiency • easier to charge, recover and reuse because it is not a blend ... -25 3.346 0.880 107.93 1135.92 9.266 157.66 508.20 350.54 0.839 2.2518-24 3.480 0.883 …
空调制冷剂r32、r22与r410a:区别解析和深度剖析 - 百家号
2023年10月18日 · 然而,r32虽然不含氯,但其排放温度较高,可能导致环境温度上升。因此,就环保而言,r410a更具有优势。 能效:在能效方面,这三种制冷剂各有特点。r32和r410a的能效均较高,但r32在系统压力方面具有一定劣势。而r22虽然能效也很高,但对环境的影响较大。
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