MODEL 19 CLASSIC | Smith & Wesson
The Model 19 Classic revolver features a handsome set of walnut grips, a 4.25″ barrel, a black adjustable rear sight, and red ramp front sight. The revolver dons a highly polished, blued finish and traditional thumbpiece for a classic look.
史密斯威森M19左輪手槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
史密斯威森M19 (英語: Smith & Wesson Model 19)是一款由 美国 槍械公司 史密斯威森 所研製及生產的6發式“K型 底把 ” 雙動操作 式 左輪手槍,發射.357 S&W馬格南 或火力相對較弱的.38 S&W特種彈 這二種 手枪 子彈。
Smith & Wesson Model 19 for Sale - Best Price - In Stock Deals
The Smith & Wesson Model 19 is an upgraded version of the popular Model 15, designed to handle the more powerful .357 Magnum cartridge. Initially adopted by many law enforcement agencies, the Model 19 was available in blued or nickel-plated carbon steel and featured options like wood or rubber combat grips, adjustable rear sights, and a choice ...
Smith & Wesson Model 19 - Wikipedia
The Smith & Wesson Model 19 is a revolver produced by Smith & Wesson that was introduced in 1957 on its K-frame. The Model 19 is chambered for .357 Magnum. The K-frame is somewhat smaller and lighter than the original N-frame .357, usually …
Smith & Wesson Revolvers - Model 19 for sale - Guns International
Smith & Wesson Performance Center Model 19-9 Carry Comp single/double action revolver chambered in .357 S&W Magnum. Comes in a factory hardcase with an extra rubber grip …
RELIABLE PERFORMANCE - A smooth trigger pull mixed with Smith & Wesson’s ergonomics make this a pleasant revolver to shoot. 4.25” Blued carbon steel barrel. Double Action / Single …
Combat Magnum: The Story of the S&W Model 19 .357 - Guns.com
2019年8月5日 · The standard Model 19 runs a 4-inch barrel with a ramp front sight and adjustable rear. Although chambered in .357 Magnum, they also accommodate .38 Special rounds as well.
Smith & Wesson Model 19 - Guns and Ammo
2019年2月27日 · Smith & Wesson Performance Center Model 19 Classic, .357 Mag.: $826. Current-production M19s represent the ninth change in the revolver since its introduction and are therefore, technically, called the 19-9. These revolvers are available in two formats, with distinct models envisioned for different roles.
史密斯&威森 19型 便携式 .357马格南 左轮手枪 - 知乎
这款Model 19是在20世纪50年代末期,由著名的边境巡逻队特工、枪手兼作家 Bill Jordan 与史密斯&威森公司合作推出的成果。 当时,.357 Magnum左轮手枪是构建在N型框架上的。 Jordan的目标是让史密斯&威森开发出一种基于更轻便、更紧凑的K型框架的Magnum左轮手枪,而这种框架此前是用于.38 Special子弹的。 警察们不喜欢携带笨重的.357 Magnum口径的武器,但他们也不想仅限于携带.38 Special。 挑战在于设计一个比N型框架更便于携带的小型框架左轮手枪,同时能 …
Smith & Wesson Model 19 Carry Comp 357 Magnum 2.5in Black …
Smith & Wesson Model 19 357 Magnum 2.5in Black/Wood Revolver - 6 Rounds - The Performance Center Model 19 Carry Comp is designed for concealed carry and includes a tritium front night sight, custom wood and synthetic boot grips, and a 3″ PowerPort™ vented barrel for recoil management.
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