Oerlikon GDF - Wikipedia
The system uses twin autocannons, firing 35×228mm NATO-standard ammunition. It was originally designated 353 MK and is now designated as the KD series. The same KD series 35mm cannons are used in the Leopard 1 based Gepard and Type 74 tank based Type 87 SPAAG and Marksman self-propelled anti-aircraft guns (SPAAG).
35x228mm HEI | Armaco JSC. Bulgaria
35x228mm HEIHigh Explosive Incendiary. MAIN FEATURES: Self-destruct function on HEI, HEI-T and SAPHEI types. Trajectory concordance exists amongst all types. PRODUCT RANGE: HEI; HEI-T; SAPHEI; TP; TP-T. Packaging Unlinked: (21 rounds/case) Rounds / 6m Sea Container (not palletized) - 9 240 (440 cases)
35 mm × 228 HEI/SD and HEI-T/SD - Nammo | Nammo
High Explosive/Incendiary (HEI) rounds, with point-detonating or base-detonating fuze, suitable for anti-materiel/anti-personnel use in Oerlikon guns. Qualified for use in Oerlikon guns 35/90 KDB type GDF‑001, GDF-005, GDF-007, Bushmaster III and is compatible with Millennium Gun.
35 × 228 mm – Wikipedia
Die 35 × 228 mm ist eine Munition für Maschinenkanonen und Schnellfeuergeschütze, die für Flugabwehrgeschütze, Schützenpanzer und Nahbereichsverteidigungssysteme verwendet wird. Die Patrone im Kaliber 35 × 228 mm wurde von dem ehemaligen Schweizer Unternehmen Oerlikon-Bührle (seit 2009 Rheinmetall) entwickelt.
35 mm × 228 SAPHEI/SD - Nammo
Armor Piercing/High Explosive/Incendiary (SAPHEI) rounds for use against a variety of targets (light armor and materiel) in Oerlikon guns. Qualified for use in Oerlikon guns 35/90 KDB type GDF‑001, GDF-005, GDF-007, Bushmaster III and is compatible with Millennium Gun.
浅谈步战车埋头弹自动炮 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
当时研发了两个弹种,将30mm口径(30x173)扩径至40mm(40x180,Super40),将35mm口径(35x228)扩径至50mm(50x330,Supershot)。 Super40 仍然使用传统弹药布局,但 Supershot 加长了药筒,将弹头半埋入药筒之中,Supershot 实际就是埋头弹。
2019年7月23日 · 中国从瑞士引进的双35是牵引式火炮,在使用上存在很大的局限性——比如它没有能力跟随装甲车部队的作战推进,实现伴随性的野战防空;这种作战能力,需要自行防空火炮才能实现——当然它的总体价格要贵得多。
D0802Rall RWM Schweiz AG Bchstras 55 8050 Zuric Sitzerland [email protected] .rheinmetall.com MAIN FEATURES Performance Defeats a wide range of targets
Rheinmetall’s NATO qualified airburst ammunition, contains an electronic timer module which is programmed inductively at the muzzle with compensation for variations in projectile muzzle velocity to ensure precise downrange payload release.
The 35X228 mm ammunition was primarily developed to effectively counter modern aircraft targets in the AIR-TO-AIR and AIR-TO-GROUND roles. The range of fuses allow the rounds to penetrate well into the target before detonating thereby causing maximum damage due to overpressure, blast, fragmentation and incendiary effects.