Insta360 ONE RS 1-Inch 360 Edition – Dual 1-Inch Sensor 6K 360 …
360 camera co-engineered with Leica, with dual 1-inch sensors for unparalleled image quality. Shoot 6K video with FlowState stabilization & 21MP photos with AI imaging.
Insta360 ONE RS – Waterproof Action Camera + 360 Camera in One
The next-gen interchangeable lens action cam. Unlock 3 ways to shoot with the 4K Boost Lens, 5.7K 360 Lens + 5.3K 1-Inch Lens, plus a powerful new Core.
Insta360 ONE RS 1-Inch 360 Edition - Amazon.com
Stunning 6K 360 Video: The ultimate creative tool. Easily capture impossible shots with 6K 360-degree capture, the invisible selfie stick and 360 reframing. 21MP 360 Photos: Capture the world around you in sharp definition with seamlessly-stitched 21MP 360 stills. New PureShot HDR mode for a higher dynamic range powered by AI.
影石Insta360 ONE RS 一英寸全景版本 | 6K全景相机
免费的电脑端剪辑软件,配合强大的 AI 算法,极大地提升了全景素材剪辑效率。通过Adobe Premiere Pro 插件(即将发布),还能直接编辑360°全景视频,与其他视频素材相结合,闪电出片。
Insta360 ONE RS 4K Edition - Amazon.com
2022年3月28日 · Interchangeable Lens Design: The only action cam with interchangeable lenses. Upgrade your camera at any time by purchasing an additional lens, like the ultra-creative 360 Lens. In the Box: 1x 4K Boost Lens, 1x ONE RS Core, 1x ONE RS Battery Base and 1x ONE RS Mounting Bracket. ›
Buy ONE RS - Interchangeable Lens Action Cam - Insta360
Next-gen interchangeable lens action cam. Choose from the 4K Boost Lens, 5.7K 360° Lens + 5.3K 1-Inch Lens. Rugged and versatile. Free shipping and warranty options.
- 评论数: 318
被衬托出来的性价比,Insta360 ONE RS体验 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
而2年后的3月24日,Insta360终于发布了后续产品 Insta360 ONE RS。 简单概括,就是主机芯片升级、能直出4K60帧防抖视频、WiFi速度翻倍、多1个麦克风,电池增大21%。 一起推出还有新的4K广角增强镜头,4800W 1/2英寸传感器,有6K宽屏和运动HDR模式。 毕竟是模块化相机,新老主机、镜头、电池模块都是通用的,不过老主机要第二季度才有新4K镜头的OTA更新。 作为深圳湾一号住户,因疫情原因,和运动相机高度相关的阳光沙滩、旅游景点、婚庆、聚餐通通没有 …
Insta360 ONE RS 1-Inch 360
Premium 360 camera with dual 1-inch sensors for unparalleled image quality. Shoot 6K 360 video with FlowState stabilization and 21MP 360 photos. Free shipping.
- 评论数: 95
Insta360 ONE RS 1英吋全景攝影機/360度全景相機1RS
Insta360 ONE RS 1英吋全景攝影機搭載徠卡1英吋感光元件,大幅提升夜拍和低光源下的成像品質。 6K高解析度影片錄製,搭配FlowState防抖技術,讓您輕鬆拍攝出穩定流暢的畫面。 模組化設計,可自由搭配不同模組,滿足各種拍攝需求。 無論是戶外運動、旅遊Vlog還是創意短片,Insta360 ONE RS 1英吋都能為您帶來專業級的拍攝體驗。 大哥, 你有沒有走錯棚 ? Insta360 ONE RS 1-inch全景套裝 評測. ONE RS出租|租insta360|租ONE RS |全景鏡頭出租 Insta360 ONE …
Insta360 One RS Review - PCMag
2022年3月22日 · The Insta360 One RS ($549.99 as reviewed) is the company's second-generation modular action camera, a follow-up to the One R from 2020. The RS keeps the same external design, but features more...