约 4 个结果

loans - Is there a difference between a 360/360 day count …
2018年5月5日 · thanks D Stanley for following up. Here is what the software (lending management software) told me: Here is an excerpt from our User Guide: “the per diem interest …
loans - Personal Finance & Money Stack Exchange
Under "pure" 30/360, 1/30 of the interest for the month (using the annual rate / 12) is accrued each day. In February with 28 days, that means that 3 days' worth of interest accrues between …
What does a 30/360 day count convention mean?
2016年2月18日 · A 30/360 convention in interest calculation means that there are exactly 30 days in a month and there are 12 months [or 360 days in a year].
Calculating interest accrued for 30/360 - Personal Finance
my typical interest calculation is Actual/Actual or Actual/365. I'm curious to how 30/360 should be calculated if the duration is not from beginning of the month to the end of the month. For exam...