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360 RAIN is an autonomous, diesel powered/electric drive machine that connects to a water source through a 3" hose providing up to 0.5" of water per pass. It can cover 200 acres with up …
360 RAIN | 360 Yield Center
By delivering bands of water directly to the base of the plant, 360 RAIN provides advantages over traditional irrigation methods. With a 60-foot boom (24 rows), 360 RAIN applies water through …
360 RAIN delivers water and nutrients with lower volume and energy costs when compared to traditional irrigation systems. It operates with wells supplying, on average, just 250 gallons per …
360 Rain Irrigation System | Advanced Precision Watering Solutions
360 RAIN is a three-wheeled, autonomous crop irrigation system with a 60-foot boom and Y-DROP style hoses. Powered by a diesel-electric drive, it uses a 3,000-foot hose with a 3-inch …
SYSTEM SPECS - 360rain
360 RAIN uses a small 24 horsepower diesel engine to generate electricity to the motors on the three drive wheels, the manure manifold, the hose dispenser system and the hose reel. The …
360 Yield Center
Providing the "million-dollar" rain that lets crops thrive. The simple, safe solution for banding nitrogen with your planter. Enhanced seed-trench closing with rapid starter uptake. Boost …
360 Rain - Rooted Agri Services
The 360 RAIN is an autonomous machine powered by a diesel-electric drive, connecting to a water source through a 3-inch hose to deliver up to 0.5 inches of water per pass. It can irrigate …
360 Rain - Southern Ag Solutions
By delivering bands of water directly to the base of the plant, 360 RAIN provides advantages over traditional irrigation methods. With a 60-foot boom (24 rows), 360 RAIN applies water through …
360 Yield Center 360 RAIN Autonomous Irrigation and Liquid Application ...
2021年1月30日 · 360 RAIN from 360 Yield Center takes a decades old irrigation method — the hose reel — mounts it on a mobile base and adds autonomous navigation to create a new …
Viewing a thread - Rain 360 - AgTalk
2024年7月16日 · You need a special dual antenna GPS on the planter and an apple smartphone in the cab, which will upload your paths to the cloud and 360 will make paths for the Rain unit …