Armox® 370T Class 1 - SSAB
Armox® 370T Class 1 is a rolled homogeneous armor plate (RHA) that combines good resistance to penetration with excellent toughness. Benefits of Armox® 370T Class 1 include: Armox® 370T Class 1 is not intended for further heat treatment. Brinell hardness test according to EN ISO 6506-1 on each heat treatment individual.
Armox 370T Class 1 is a rolled homogeneous armor plate (RHA) that combines good resistance to penetration with excellent toughness. Benefits of Armox 370T Class 1 include: Armox 370T Class 1 is not intended for further heat treatment. Armox 370T Class 1 is available in thicknesses between 3.0 and 100.0 mm. Other dimensions to be agreed with SSAB.
ARMOX® 370T Class 2 - Prospector by UL
Access the complete datasheet details for ARMOX® 370T Class 2 when you create your free account with Prospector. You’ll find complete information on physical, mechanical and hardness specs.
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370T - Fintest Technology -专注于互连产品和射频技术
名称:370T 描述: 超柔,稳幅稳相测试电缆,频率DC到45GHz。 极低驻波,超高稳定性,可以满足最严格的测试需求。
华硕Eee Pad MeMo 370T(32GB) - 百度百科
华硕Eee Pad MeMo 370T (32GB)是一款华硕品牌平板电脑,显卡芯片是Adreno 220。
本田URV 370T动力不如冠道?快看实际刷ECU动力分析!
2022年3月17日 · 艾森发布本田URV 370T序方案:一切以安全、稳定为前提,在不损伤发动机寿命前提下,将动力优化至最佳,同时符合车主的驾驶需求,性能参数如下:
Armox® 370 Class 1 - Rolled homogeneous armor (RHA) - SSAB
Armox® 370T Class 1 is a rolled homogeneous armor plate (RHA) that combines good resistance to penetration with excellent toughness. Benefits of Armox® 370T Class 1 include: Armox® 370T Class 1 is not intended for further heat treatment. Brinell hardness test according to EN ISO 6506-1 on each heat treatment individual.