Need some 38/40 reloading advice please... - Cast Boolits
2012年9月4日 · I have reloaded for two different original Winchester Model 1873's that I have had in 38 WCF (38-40) caliber. The bullet I have used is from the RCBS 40-180-CM mould. It is a …
.38-40 Load Advice - Cast Boolits
2016年5月8日 · 38 and 44 - 40 is in question here. I have both j-words and boolits, 180 and 200gr respectively. Have old unique, old 2400 (20 years old), IMR 4227, and looking to try some of …
Winchester 1892 .38WCF (.38-40) hunting booliit - Cast Boolits
2019年5月29日 · I so envy you/your '92 in .38WCF!!! Must be a gorgeous firearm! I have been a long-time fan of the .38-40, having owned two of these -- newbees, compared with yours. One …
38-40 / 38 WCF favorite loads - Cast Boolits
2016年11月5日 · Thread: 38-40 / 38 WCF favorite loads. Thread Tools. Show Printable Version; 11-05-2016, 05:47 AM #1. BruMatt.
loads for Win 1892 in .38 wcf - Cast Boolits
2012年2月19日 · My brother just bought a nice Winchester model 1892 chambered in .38 WCF (.38-40). For its age the bore is in decent condition and the action is smooth as silk. My …
What does 38 WCF mean? - Cast Boolits
2013年3月3日 · The .38-40 Winchester (.38 WCF) By Chuck Hawks This old timer dates back to 1874, when Winchester introduced it for their Model 1873 rifle. Winchester also chambered …
.38-40 Load Advice - Page 2 - Cast Boolits
2018年7月13日 · One is an 1873 in 38-40 and the other two a '92s in 44-40 and 25-20. All were manufactured c.1890's. Bore rifling is decent on all three and they seem to be mechanically …
38 WCF / 38-40 affair - Cast Boolits
2020年8月23日 · Tom at Accurate Molds produced a mold that casts a .403 bullet for the 1892, A close friend recently acquired a very clean 1873 in 38 WCF. Really looking forward to shooting …
38-40 ammo - Cast Boolits
2023年1月4日 · Thus Marlin started using the 38-40/44-40 rather than using the "WCF" designation. Not necessarily the case for other dash cartridges. 38 WCF = Winchester …
38-40 wcf Contender - Cast Boolits
2016年11月13日 · I was out with the Contender chambered in 38-40 WCF and shot nice group. It has a 1.5-5 power scope and a MGM barrel. My load was 24.3 grains of Reloader #7 and a …