走向基因组3D世界 ——染色体构想捕获技术3C(chromosome …
在过去10年中,染色体构象捕获(chromosome conformation capture 3C)技术及其该技术的拓展技术(4C,5C,Hi-C,ChIA-PET),使人们能够以超强的分辨率和高通量测序分析细胞核内的三维立体结构
3C,4C,5C以及HiC测序技术都有些什么不同? - 知乎
Hi-C 技术源于基因组捕获技术(Chromosome conformation capture,3C),是分析染色质三维空间结构的一种测序方法,用于研究三维基因组。 什么是三维基因组? 先加入甲醛将基因组中参与染色质互作作用的蛋白质凝固。 一般将活体样本在室温用 1-3%的甲醛处理 10-30min,但是此步骤会减少限制内切酶对DNA序列的消化效率,需要严格控制。 用限制性内切酶切割基因组,打断后的片段大小会影响测序分辨率,一般有两种酶可供选择:6bp 的限制性内切酶,4bp 的限制性内 …
Quantitative analysis of chromosome conformation capture assays (3C-qPCR)
2007年7月5日 · We recently adapted the real-time TaqMan PCR technology to the analysis of 3C assays, resulting in a method that more accurately determines crosslinking frequencies than current semiquantitative...
促销:ChIP+3C-qPCR验证染色质局部高维精细结构与Hi-C数据准 …
2019年3月17日 · 染色体构象俘获技术是(Chromosome/Chromatin Conformation Capture,3C) 通过一种定量手段(PCR产物的有和无、产量的高和低)对DNA之间是否存在相互作用这一定性问题进行研究。
3C-digital PCR for quantification of chromatin interactions
2016年12月6日 · Compared to traditional 3C-qPCR, our results show that 3C-dPCR is much simpler and more sensitive to detect weak chromatin interactions. It may eliminate multiple and complex normalization controls and provide accurate calculation of proximity-based fragment ligation frequency.
Quantitative analysis of chromosome conformation capture assays (3C-qPCR)
We recently adapted the real-time TaqMan PCR technology to the analysis of 3C assays, resulting in a method that more accurately determines crosslinking frequencies than current semiquantitative 3C strategies that rely on measuring the intensity of ethidium bromide-stained PCR products separated by gel electrophoresis.
chromosome conformation capture:染色质构象捕获技术 - CSDN …
3C技术,全称染色质构象捕获(Chromosome Conformation Capture),是一种用于研究基因组三维结构的技术。 3C 技术 的核心是通过化学交联固定细胞内的 染色质 结构,然后利用限制性内切酶切割DNA,将DNA分子与邻近的DNA...
Quantitative Chromosome Conformation Capture (3C-qPCR)
Many population-based methods investigating chromatin dynamics and organization in eukaryotes are based on the chromosome conformation capture (3C) method. Here, we provide an updated version of the quantitative 3C (3C-qPCR) protocol for improved and simplified quantitative analyses of intra-chromos …
走向基因组3D世界 ——染色体构想捕获技术3C(chromosome …
2018年11月30日 · 在过去10年中,染色体构象捕获(chromosome conformation capture 3C)技术及其该技术的拓展技术(4C,5C,Hi-C, ChIA-PET),使人们能够以超强的分辨率和高通量测序分析细胞核内的三维立体结构
Many population-based methods investigating chromatin dynamics and organization in eukaryotes are based on the Chromosome Conformation Capture (3C) method. Here, we provide an updated version of the quantitative 3C (3C-qPCR) protocol for improved and simplified quantitative analyses of intra-chromosomal contacts.