Investigations on 3D effects and correlation between wave height …
2017年3月1日 · Understanding the hydrodynamic interactions between ocean waves and the oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converter is crucial for improving the device performance. Most previous relevant studies have focused on testing onshore and offshore OWCs using 2D models and wave flumes.
A 3D numerical investigation of the influence of the geometrical ...
2024年1月1日 · The oscillating water column (OWC) is the oldest and most reliable concept for wave energy conversion. This paper investigates the hydrodynamic performance of one chamber of an I-Beam attenuator OWC at its natural frequency using fully nonlinear CFD.
3D view of the simulated OWC geometry and free surface zone …
The Oscillating Water Column (OWC) is one of the oldest and simplest concepts for wave energy conversion. However, the device optimization is still required as a fundamental...
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a 3D land-fixed oscillating water …
The results of the present study allow one to better understand the influence of the 3D diffraction and wave nonlinearity on wave forces acting on a land-fixed OWC device, which can also provide valuable guidance for the optimal design and safety analysis of OWC devices.
3D陆地固定OWC波浪能转换器水动力性能的实验和数值研 …
通过三维(3D)波浪池中的实验和数值研究,在各种波浪条件和几何参数下,彻底研究了陆地固定振荡水柱(OWC)波浪能装置的水动力性能。 该研究涉及水面高度、OWC 室中的气压以及水动力效率与 3D 高阶边界元法 (HOBEM) 获得的结果的测量和比较。
A 3D Parametric Study of a Rectangular Bottom-Mounted OWC
2001年6月17日 · A three-dimensional model of fixed Oscillating Water Column system (OWC) is presented. The model is built on a first order doublet distribution method used to solve the steady-state potential flow boundary value problem due to regular wave-structure interaction, while spectral analysis methods allow the system response to standard spectra to be ...
三维正交机织复合材料(3Dorthogonalwovencomposite,3D-OWC)由面内相互正交的经纱、纬 纱和贯穿z 方向的捆绑纱通过相互正交机织的方式制成。 由于z纱将经纱和纬纱所形成的叠层在z 方向上贯穿起来形成一个三维的整体,从 而有效地抑制了面内分层裂纹的扩展,提高了厚度方向上抗冲击损伤的能力[1]。 目前对3D-OWC 开展了广泛而深入的研究,这 些研究主要集中在准静态力学性能、材料模型的建立、弹 道实验研究和数值模拟。 如,戎 琦等[2]对 3D-OWC 进行拉伸、压 缩实验, …
(PDF) Experimental and numerical investigation on hydrodynamic ...
2023年11月23日 · The results demonstrate that, under actual sea conditions, the 3D effects significantly affect the hydrodynamic efficiency of the OWC, making it exceed unity near the resonance frequency. On...
Numerical Study of Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a Three
2024年7月10日 · The impact of wave-induced forces on the integrity of stationary oscillating water column (OWC) devices is essential for ensuring their structural safety. In our study, we built a three-dimensional numerical model of an OWC device using the computational fluid dynamics (CFDs) software OpenFOAM-v1912.
2014年1月26日 · The oscillating water column (OWC)device is a wave energy converter which converts the work done by the air column in a partially submerged pneumatic chamber into a electrical energy.
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