Mathematica: 3D plot based on combined 2D graphs
2015年6月12日 · 3D arrow built with Tube distorted when it is combined with a 3D plot. 1. Combined Plot of a loop. 3.
Axes Origin & Labels in 3D Plot - Mathematica Stack Exchange
2021年1月27日 · I'm looking for a way to have the axes at the origin in a 3D plot and to label the (x,y,z) axes in the usual way---with x near the end of the drawn portion of the x axis, y near the end of the drawn portion of the y axis, etc. I've tried
plotting - Generating 3D tables which are plottable - Mathematica …
2022年1月26日 · which contains a lot of unnecessary curly brackets. In fact, when I try to plot the table in the most natural way I can think of, i.e., using ListPlot3D[data], I get an empty plot (of course ListPlot3D is confused by the brackets). I have two questions: Can you name a case where those extra brackets are useful?
How to create and export high quality 3D plots with straight axes
2021年9月3日 · When I create a 3d plot (say with ListPointPlot3D[{{0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1}}] the axes lines look quite bad. For example the z-direction axes, which due to the perspective are not exactly vertical in the 2D perspective, seem to be approximated in terms of many vertical lines. This looks quite terrible.
3d system: stream plot and function - Mathematica Stack Exchange
2020年3月29日 · 3D Plot from 3 Polynomial Equations. 1. 3D plot of two spheres with constraint. 11. Visualizing Bendixson ...
plotting - How do I draw 2D "pictures" in a 3D plot?
2022年11月6日 · If you want to display several 2D graphics in a 3D plot you can proceed as in this example: First we create a table of graphics: graphics = Table[Plot[Sin[n x], {x, 0, 2 Pi}] , {n, 1, 3}] Then we change this 2D graphics into 3D graphics by adding an additional coordinate of 1,2,3.. Finally we display all 3D graphics together using "Show":
Hiding axis ticks and labels in a 3D plot [duplicate]
In every plot the axis visibility overrides the opacity setting. Evaluate Graphics3D[Sphere[{1, 1, 1}], AxesOrigin -> {1, 1/2, 3}, Axes -> True] and you'll realise that even though the sphere is opaque, the axes (and ticks) are still visible behind it. This is the standard.
plotting - 3D plot with constraints - Mathematica Stack Exchange
2020年7月25日 · Add set of points on top of another graph and turn 3D plot to 2D. 3. Plot3D with constraints. 8.
plotting - How to make a smooth revolution surface plot
2014年5月30日 · I'm trying to plot a 3d revolution plot from a set of 2d points. These data points form a 2d curve, then we rotate that curve around y axis and get a 3d surface. @J. M. has a well explained and very helpful post at here which deals exactly the problem I have. However, I tried to use the method, and get a 3d surface that is very rough and not ...
Putting a 2D plot into a 3D plot - Mathematica Stack Exchange
2017年12月13日 · I'm trying to put a 2D plot (ContourPlot) into a 3D plot. I started by adapting my recipe from 8 years ago but I'm finding it to be quite user unfriendly/hard to use. For one, it's using Rasterize so additional tweaking is needed to get rid of blurriness. I'm wondering if I'm missing some features added in the last 8 years that would make this ...