Mathematica: 3D plot based on combined 2D graphs
2015年6月12日 · 3D arrow built with Tube distorted when it is combined with a 3D plot. 1. Combined Plot of a loop. 3.
Axes Origin & Labels in 3D Plot - Mathematica Stack Exchange
2021年1月27日 · I'm looking for a way to have the axes at the origin in a 3D plot and to label the (x,y,z) axes in the usual way---with x near the end of the drawn portion of the x axis, y near the …
plotting - Generating 3D tables which are plottable - Mathematica …
2022年1月26日 · which contains a lot of unnecessary curly brackets. In fact, when I try to plot the table in the most natural way I can think of, i.e., using ListPlot3D[data], I get an empty plot (of …
How to create and export high quality 3D plots with straight axes
2021年9月3日 · When I create a 3d plot (say with ListPointPlot3D[{{0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1}}] the axes lines look quite bad. For example the z-direction axes, which due to the perspective are not …
3d system: stream plot and function - Mathematica Stack Exchange
2020年3月29日 · 3D Plot from 3 Polynomial Equations. 1. 3D plot of two spheres with constraint. 11. Visualizing Bendixson ...
plotting - How do I draw 2D "pictures" in a 3D plot?
2022年11月6日 · If you want to display several 2D graphics in a 3D plot you can proceed as in this example: First we create a table of graphics: graphics = Table[Plot[Sin[n x], {x, 0, 2 Pi}] , …
Hiding axis ticks and labels in a 3D plot [duplicate]
In every plot the axis visibility overrides the opacity setting. Evaluate Graphics3D[Sphere[{1, 1, 1}], AxesOrigin -> {1, 1/2, 3}, Axes -> True] and you'll realise that even though the sphere is …
plotting - 3D plot with constraints - Mathematica Stack Exchange
2020年7月25日 · Add set of points on top of another graph and turn 3D plot to 2D. 3. Plot3D with constraints. 8.
plotting - How to make a smooth revolution surface plot
2014年5月30日 · I'm trying to plot a 3d revolution plot from a set of 2d points. These data points form a 2d curve, then we rotate that curve around y axis and get a 3d surface. @J. M. has a …
Putting a 2D plot into a 3D plot - Mathematica Stack Exchange
2017年12月13日 · I'm trying to put a 2D plot (ContourPlot) into a 3D plot. I started by adapting my recipe from 8 years ago but I'm finding it to be quite user unfriendly/hard to use. For one, it's …