SDRangel – Open-source TX & RX Software Defined Radio
2D and 3D spectrogram Time domain oscilloscope Statistical measurements of SNR, THD, THD+N, SINAD, SFDR, channel power, adjacent channel power, occupied bandwidth
3D Waterfall - SDR-Radio.com - Software-defined Radio
Experience the power of Software Defined Radio with our 3D Waterfall feature. Utilize DirectX 12 for unparalleled signal detail and resolution. Learn programming techniques & explore SDR-Radio.com Ltd.
The RTL-SDR is an ultra cheap software defined radio based on DVB-T TV tuners with RTL2832U chips. The RTL-SDR can be used as a wide band radio scanner. It may interest ham radio enthusiasts, hardware hackers, tinkerers and anyone interested in RF.
adalm pluto (1) 三维频谱图 - CSDN博客
2020年9月23日 · SATSAGEN 可以适配ADALM-PlutoSDR,将其变为便携式频谱仪和信号源,同时还可以实现对于接收信号的幅值跟踪,给出在指定频段内的幅值响应曲线,这一功能可以用来实现对于滤波器的滤波特性的评估和分析。此外作者也在自己的WordPress网站上介绍了其他功 …
CubicSDR | Cross-Platform and Open-Source Software Defined …
– Improved SDR thread performance and stream handling – SDR Device dialog options now synchronize with app – Refresh for SoapySDR modules with variable and dependent settings
15 Best Software-defined Radio (SDR) Software in 2024
2024年7月2日 · These SDR software options cater to a wide range of needs, from basic spectrum analysis to advanced signal processing, and support various SDR hardware devices, making them suitable for both beginners and professionals
Real-Time GUIs with PyQt | PySDR: A Guide to SDR and DSP using …
In this chapter we will learn how to use PyQt to create a real-time spectrum analyzer that can be used with an SDR (or with a simulated signal). The spectrum analyzer will have time, frequency, and spectrogram/waterfall graphics, as well as input widgets for …
Demonstrating the New 3D Maps in SDRAngel - RTL-SDR
2022年2月9日 · Recently they've added a new feature which are 3D maps that can be used to visualize signal data. In the latest video demonstration they show these 3D maps projecting NOAA weather satellite images onto a 3D globe and at the same time tracking the NOAA satellites over the globe as it produces imagery.
GitHub - f4exb/sdrangel: SDR Rx/Tx software for Airspy, Airspy …
SDRangel-Docker is a collection of Docker files and scripts to facilitate building and running SDRangel in a Docker container. Works for either the GUI (only on a Linux host) or the server.
SDR Console - Main Program in the SDR-radio.com Suite
SDR Console - Download, configure, and start using the program for software defined radio. Explore the features and services offered by SDR-Radio.com Ltd.