任天堂 3DS 拆解 - iFixit
2011年3月3日 · 本篇指南是分解流程而 非维修指南。 如果您要维修您的Nintendo 3DS,应参考我们的 维修指南。 可用于游戏和摄影的双摄(领先于iPhone! 3DS与DSi XL并排放。 相比之下,3DS的尺寸更小,但更厚一些。 任天堂对机器顶端接口布局做了一些调整。 充电接口被移动到右侧,新加入的金属触点大概是为了支援充电底座,触控笔插槽现在位于游戏卡槽的旁边,新增一个红外线IR端口,挂绳孔被移除。 3D调节滑杆。 通过上下滑动来选择3D显示效果的深度。 …
Nintendo 3DS Teardown - iFixit
The 3.7V, 1300mAh, 5Wh Li-Ion battery provides a measly 3-5 hours of battery life. Even when playing original DS games, the 3DS lasts only 5-8 hours on a single charge.
Destroying A Nintendo 3DS - YouTube
Today we destroy a Nintendo 3DS, in SLOW-MO!
50 WAYS TO BREAK A 3DS - YouTube
50 WAYS TO BREAK A NINTENDO SWITCH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnwvYiMK3ikI hope you enjoyed the last special video that was filmed in that old mobile ho...
如何正确且优雅地清除上任3ds机主留下的的所有内容——为精神 …
本文内容适用于全系列3ds和2ds掌机,即`3ds/3dsll (xl)/new 3ds/new 3dsll (xl)/2ds/new 2dsll (xl)`。 > **鉴别和卸载虚拟系统**:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1HR4y1M7Yg/ > **修复引导**:https://stray-soul.com/index.php/fix-boot. > **CTRtransfer视频教程**:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1x3411Y7ek. > **CTRtransfer文字教程**:https://stray-soul.com/index.php/ctrtransferkeep-app.
How to completely factory reset my 3ds (remove all hacking stuff)
2025年3月15日 · I don't know if my 3DS still has a CFW or is still hacked so I don't want to completely brick it by trying to factory reset it in the 3DS settings. What I want to do is to completely remove all the hacking stuff and rehack my 3DS on a …
3DS - 其它主机/掌机新作发布区 - 3DMGAME论坛 - Powered by …
5 天之前 · 3DM论坛是一个为游戏玩家提供交流和分享的平台,涵盖最新的游戏资讯、攻略、资源和补丁。
Most epic way to destroy a 3ds? : r/3DS - Reddit
I like destroying 3ds because it gives me an ounce of power and makes me feel dominant
Does Leaving The Battery Inside An Unused 3DS Destroy The Latter?
2020年11月17日 · Since 3DS has been discontinued, it's not available anywhere in my country, not even on my country's Amazon, let alone other shops. I can't even find a new battery or charger. Can it be fixed/repaired? Nah, I doubt the battery would have killed your system.
Nintendo 3DS
2011年3月25日 · The Nintendo 3DS (JPJapanese: ニンテンドー3DSRomaji: Nintendō Surī Dī Esu) (also called 3DS or N3DS) is an eighth generation Nintendo video game handheld released on February 26, 2011 in Japan, on March 25, 2011 in Europe and UK, on March 27, 2011 in North America and Canada, and on March 31, 2011 in...