出海欧洲支付风控,PSD2大起底(含SCA、3DS介绍) - 知乎
PSD2 是一项欧洲法规,全称是第二版支付服务指令修订法案,旨在通过强客户认证(简称SCA)让付款更安全、更保险。 PSD2的实施被普遍认为利弊参半。 SCA: 中文名是“强力客户认证”,指的是在客户知道的信息(密码/PIN码)、设备(手机/平板)、生物特征(指纹等)这三项验证中需要同时满足两项。 虽然SCA是为了保护交易安全,但它在结账阶段给消费者带来的摩擦也不能忽略。 就算欧洲的 线上交易 经过了SCA的验证,也无法保证完全消除欺诈风险。 SCA …
PSD2, SCA, and 3DS2: Understanding The Basics Of European
The evolving PSD2 regulation is set to be centered around enabling instant payments across the EU. Since their origins, PSD2 and 3DS2 have been deeply tied, as 3DS2 is often applied to develop solutions for the SCA requirement. As a result, any changes to the PSD2 regulation inherently impact 3DS2.
A Primer on SCA, PSD2, and 3DS - ACI Worldwide
What Is the Relationship Between SCA, PSD2, Dynamic Linking and 3DS 2.0? Both SCA and dynamic linking are requirements for compliance under PSD2’s RTS, while 3DS 2.0 is a form of SCA that enables PSPs and merchants to ensure PSD2 compliance.
跨境支付中的3D secure 2.0是指什么 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
3DS 2.0的认证流程可以分为两种:高风险下的挑战认证流程(Challenge Flow),以及低风险下的无摩擦认证流程(Frictionless Flow)。 发卡机构通过这两种认证流程判断交易风险的高低,并选择是否省略额外的验证信息。
How to implement 3DS2 with Stripe for SCA compliance under PSD2 …
2019年10月18日 · Stripe has created two new objects as part of offering an SCA-compliant solution, PaymentIntent and SetupIntent, to facilitate using 3DS2. A PaymentIntent represents the intent to charge someone and is used as part of a payment authentication flow.
3DS和3DS2身份验证指南-Adyen - Adyen
我们将探索欧洲经济区大多数国家已于2021年开始使用的原始3D Secure 1(3DS1)和新版3D Secure 2(3DS2)。 什么是3DS? 我们作为消费者,可能无意识中已经在购物时体验了3DS。 在完成付款前,3DS1将让您前往银行帐号页面进行银行卡验证,通常会提示您输入密码或SMS(一次性密码)。 成功完成这一步骤后,发卡银行将承担欺诈性退款责任,而不是由向您出售商品的商户承担责任。 每次购物都需要完成这一安全验证步骤,但因为必须完成这一步骤导致您可能 …
Visa supports the PSD2 requirements for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA), and Visa’s 3D-Secure (3DS) programme supports PSPs to be PSD2 compliant. 3DS, along with our new products, programs and positions that are outlined in this paper, are in line with Visa’s vision
什么是支付服务指令2 (PSD2)? - 知乎专栏
支付服务指令 (Payment Service Directive,简称PSD)最初于 2007 年通过,是 单一欧元支付区 (SEPA)的法律基础。 PSD2 是修订后的支付服务指令。 “2” 是指修订后的指令,因为它取代了原始支付服务指令(PSD)。 PSD2 中概述的法规旨在保护消费者及其数据,其中包括更加安全可靠的支付选项、更快的支付周转,还定了退款权。 PSD 旨在使欧洲支付委员会 74 个成员国之间付款更便捷,并改善对欧盟成员国公民的消费者保护。 PSD 的首要目标是通过将支付服务提供 …
PSD2 SCA: Connecting the dots between the SCA exemptions, 3DS …
2022年3月25日 · 3-Domain Secure Protocol v2 (3DS2) is the widely used method to meet the SCA requirements. Unlike the traditional v1 protocol, 3DS2 introduces the concept of frictionless flow. From the...
PSD2 - The new EU directive for online payments (SCA & 3DS 2.0)
2022年2月7日 · 3DS 2.0 (3D Secure 2.0) is an authentication protocol created to reduce fraud and merchants’ liability to chargebacks while increasing consumers’ security. 3DS 2.0 is here to meet the needs of remote payments. 3DS Standard, which precedes 3DS 2.0, provides extra security to help reduce the possibility of unauthorised transactions.