3i Infotech
With a legacy spanning 30 years, 3i Infotech has partnered with over 2000+ clients to deliver innovative IT solutions. Our deep expertise in the BFSI sector is evident, contributing to nearly 40% of our revenue. At 3i Infotech, we combine the agility of a nimble company with the trust and pedigree of a seasoned player.
3i - 官方网站 - 3itech
3i 智能净地站 H1 Pro+. 超级伸缩滚筒,无死角、不涂脏、无残留. 全球首创净水循环系统,告别换水时代; 绿眼脏污识别,针对性清扫; 毛发双重防缠绕设计,解决毛发困扰
3i Infotech | Transforming Businesses
Accelerate your transformation with our infrastructure, networks, cloud, security, data and AI expertise. Compete and excel in a complex and evolving environment encompassing technology, people, competitors, standards, regulations, and compliance. Unlock the digital; where Automation Drives Excellence and Empowers Future-Ready Businesses.
Company | 3i Infotech
With a legacy spanning 30 years, 3i Infotech has partnered with over 2000+ clients to deliver innovative IT solutions. Our deep expertise in the BFSI sector is evident, contributing to nearly 40% of our revenue. At 3i Infotech, we combine the agility of a nimble company with the trust and pedigree of a seasoned player.
3i Infotech - Wikipedia
3i Infotech Ltd is an Indian technology company, headquartered in Navi Mumbai, India. Founded in 1993, it provides a comprehensive range of IT services, including digital transformation , cloud services , cybersecurity , and application development , across various industries such as BFSI ( Banking , Financial Services , and Insurance ...
La 3-I S.p.A. è una in-house con capitale sociale a partecipazione interamente pubblica nata con l’obiettivo di supportare l’attuazione delle strategie di trasformazione digitale dei servizi per le Amministrazioni Pubbliche che ne detengono il capitale e, più in generale, per il mondo della PA.
Misuratori Fiscali - 3i Retail Solutions srl
Dal 2006 3i Retail Solutions realizza registratori di cassa, bilance, stampanti fiscali e sistemi Android.
3i, a pioneer in smart home technology, stands for Imagination, Innovation, and Intelligence. Our team of exceptional engineers embodies a culture of craftsmanship, committed to precision and excellence.
3i Group - 3i Group plc
3i is an investment company specialising in Private Equity and Infrastructure. We invest in mid-market companies headquartered in Europe and North America.
3i Infotech USA - LinkedIn
At 3i Infotech, we redefine possibilities through four core pillars: ☁️ 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐝 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭: Thoughtfully transforming infrastructure with security at its core. 💻 𝐃𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥...
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