3M™ Polyimide Film Electrical Tape 1205 | 3M United States
3M™ Polyimide Film Electrical Tape 1205 is a polyimide film backed electrical tape. This flame retardant tape is suitable for use in applications that require thin insulating material for wrapping transformers, capacitors and wire harnesses.
3M™ 1205 电气绝缘胶带 | 3M官方网站 | 3M 中国
3M公司信息 关于3M 3M中国 3M工作机会 投资者关系 业务伙伴 可持续发展 3M合作伙伴授权证书查询 新闻 媒体中心 3M中国新闻发布 法规 SDS搜索 中国《电器电子产品有害物质限制使用管理办法》(中国RoHS) 公告 帮助 帮助中心 网站地图 天猫3M官方旗舰店 京东3M官方 ...
3MTM Polyimide Film Electrical Tape 1205 is an amber UL recognized flame retardant, 3.2-mil (0.081 mm) thick tape composed of 1-mil (0.025 mm) polyimide film backing coated on one side with a non-corrosive, acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive.
Insulating Electrical Tape: High-Temp, 3M™, 1205 ... - Grainger
This electrical tape withstands high temperatures. It is used to insulate coils, capacitors, or circuit boards in high-heat applications such as soldering. Only digits can be entered. Maximum value: 99999. Looking for High-Temp, Insulating Electrical Tape? Find it at Grainger.com®.
3M™ 耐高溫聚酰亞氨薄膜膠帶 1205, 12 1/2 in x 36 yd
3M™ 耐高溫聚酰亞氨薄膜膠帶 1205, 12 1/2 in x 36 yd厚1mil Polyimide Film
3M 1205 Polyimide Electrical Tape | EIS
3M polyimide film electrical tape 1205 is a 1 Mil polyimide film backing with acrylic adhesive. Its acrylic pressure sensitive adhesive allows it to be used at 311 °F and it is UL 510 flame retardant. Like most insulated tapes, form 3M, tape 1205 is available in standard and custom widths and lengths. - 10^6 Mohm insulation resistance.
3M 1205#聚酰亚胺电气绝缘胶带-上海念凯电子科技有限公司
3M聚酰亚胺薄膜电工胶带1205是一种聚酰亚胺薄膜背衬电工胶带。 这种阻燃胶带适用于需要薄绝缘材料来包裹变压器、电容器和线束的应用。 这种胶带可承受40至311°F (40至155°C)的温度范围,而不会损失电气性能和拉伸强度。
3M™ Polyimide Film Electrical Tape 1205, Amber, Acrylic …
3M™ Tape 1205 is a polyimide film-backed electrical tape. This flame-retardant tape is suitable for use in applications that require thin, insulating material for wrapping transformers, capacitors and wire harnesses.
3M™ Polyimide Film Electrical Tape 1205 | 3M United Kingdom
This tape withstands a temperature range of -40 to 311 °F ( -40 to 155 °C) without the loss of electrical properties and tensile strength. 3M™ 1205 Film Tape is 1-mil polyimide film backing with an acrylic adhesive system for exceptional heat and solvent resistance, and may be applied at very low temperatures. This tape can be imprinted.
1205 (.75 x 36yds) 3M Electronic Specialty | Mouser
2025年3月17日 · Used for a variety of applications requiring temporary or permanent holding, 3M Polyimide Film Protection Tapes are engineered to provide reliable performance under high temperatures and other harsh environmental conditions.