3M™ RelyX™ U200 Clicker™ Self-Adhesive Resin Cement Clicker, …
RelyX™ U200 Self-Adhesive Resin Cement - latest generation of the world´s most clinically proven self-adhesive resin cements. For various types of indications such as all-ceramic, composite or metal inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges, posts, 3-unit inlay/onlay bridge, all-ceramic, composite or metal restorations to implant abutments, 2 -or 3 ...
齿科桩核修复解决方案 | 3M 中国 - 3M China
3M™ RelyX™ U200 自粘接树脂型水门汀 无需预处理,即可获得与粘结树脂水门汀相同的可靠的粘结效果。 自动混配头和超长根管输送头可以直达根管底部,让您轻松注入水门汀,避免产生气泡。
56879 RelyX U200 CLICKER A3O | 3M 臺灣
3M™ 利萊自黏性樹脂黏合劑; 衛署醫器輸字第023046號; 顏色 : A3 Opaque; 德國製
3M™ RelyX™ U200 Automix Self-Adhesive Resin Cement Refill
Offering simplicity, convenience and reliability, 3M™ RelyX™ U200 Automix and 3M™ RelyX™ U200 Self-Adhesive Resin Cement are designed to be your go-to material for a wide range of indications. Thanks to the dual-cure, self-adhesive chemistry, this dental cement delivers high adhesion, resistance to discoloration and long-term stability
Apply 3M™ Single Bond Universal Adhesive to the bonding surface and rub it in for 20 seconds. Step 5 Air thin with oil-free air for 5 seconds until the solvent is evaporated and no more ripples are observed.
Simple Steps for 3M ™ RelyX U200 Self-Adhesive Resin Cement Zirconia Crown Cementation Tip: Make sure any residue (temporary cement, desensitizers, astringents, disinfectants, etc.) is completely removed. Do not use H 2O 2, EDTA or NaHCO 3. Tip: Do not exceed recommended tack cure time, otherwise clean-up will be difficult. For a controlled ...
3M RelyX U200 通用自粘接树脂型水门汀A2色 11g
【产品说明】: RelyXT™U200是通用自粘接树脂水门汀RelyXT™ Unicem的姐妹款,独家Clicker™ 包装,更有自动混配装,易于调和,用量随意。 【产品特点】:RelyX U200 通用自粘接树脂水门汀是RelyX?
齿科水门汀粘接解決方案 | 3M 中国 - 3M China
这款新一代的桩具有冠部3D固位凹槽和表面微孔结构,可实现纤维桩与牙根及树脂核的牢固结合。 它提供了出色的X线阻射能力,可以更好地控制就位,并具有较高的弯曲强度,降低了根折的风险。 提示:根管预备时,建议使用我们配套的根管预备钻,以获得良好的匹配效果。 3M口腔护理事业部以创新的解决方案促进长期口腔健康,助力牙科医生和正畸医生取得更大的临床成功、专业成功和个人成功。 观看直播课程,获取产品解决方案、操作视频、临床病例、文献资料。 了解 …
3M水门汀 - 百度百科
3M RelyX™ U200 通用自粘接树脂水门汀(Clicker装和Automix 装) 特点:RelyX U200 是一种双固化通用自粘接树脂水门汀。 有Clicker手调型包装和Automix注射器自混包装。
3M ESPE RelyX™ U200 自粘接树脂水门汀 黄巨人自粘接双固化粘 …
本产品是一种包装在注射器内的自混型双固化自粘接树脂水门汀。 可粘接全瓷、合成或金属修复体,也可粘接玻璃纤维桩。 使用本产品时,无需对牙齿结构进行粘接和修复。 不同于其它粘接材料,本产品具有压力下的高稳定性及良好的流动型 (结构粘性) 本产品含有双重功能的甲基丙烯酸盐。 无机填充物所占比例约为70% (按体积比):而颗粒大小 (90%)约为12.5μm。 按体积计算,混合比为1份本剂:1份催化剂. ①在进行最终粘接之前,请用浮石粉液彻底清洗处理过的齿根或窝洞,用 …
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