3M™ PELTOR™ X4 Earmuffs | 3M United States
3M™ PELTOR™ X4 Earmuffs offer a slim lightweight option with a Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) between 25–27 dB, depending on attachment type. This low-profile earmuff is ideal for protection against mid- to high-level industrial noise and other loud sounds.
3M隔音耳罩x4a和x5a的隔音效果有区别吗? - 知乎
针对3M X4A耳罩和X5A耳罩,其标称降噪值有所不同,X4A的SNR值为33dB,NRR值为27dB, 而X5A的SNR值为37dB,NRR值为31dB;另外,从外形上看两者的差异,X5A的耳罩本体要比X4A厚一些,重量也稍重。 同学买了x5a,戴了20分钟,颈椎不好的我果断放弃。 (太累了,很重) 因为实验室键盘声音大,虽然自己有 AirPods pro,但是依然抵不住机械键盘。 于是买了x4a,如图. 然后用了半小时,申请了退货... 也不是说这玩意不好,主要是我自己用过AirPods …
3M™ PELTOR™ X4A 耳罩
3M™ X4A 耳罩, 头带式 | 3M官方网站 | 3M 中国 - 3M China
x系列耳罩为3m全新的听力保护产品。 这一开创性耳罩产品线采用了全新技术,将舒适性、设计感以及听力保护功能集为一体。 X4A新罩杯垫设计,缩小开孔,提供更高的声衰减,尤其是对低频噪声;新型内衬,使用E-A-R™ 泡棉,提供更佳的声衰减;新型阻尼垫圈 ...
3M™ PELTOR™ X4 Earmuffs X4A/37273(AAD), Over-the-Head, 10 …
The X4A utilizes a newly designed spacer, specially formulated foam liners and innovative ear cushions to help improve attenuation. This lightweight, lower-profile earmuff helps with compatibility with other personal protective equipment and is designed for protection against moderate-to-high level industrial noise and other loud sounds.
3M PELTOR X4A 耳罩 - PChome 24h購物 - PChome 線上購物
★頭帶內有不鏽鋼線圈,可在8小時的工作時間維持穩定的張力,提供持續舒適的配戴密合度。 ★絕緣材質包覆頭帶,無金屬外露,防止低電壓感電危害。 ★雙軌頭帶設計,有助於發散頭頂配戴時產生的熱氣。 ★細緻的塑膠部件,配戴耳罩時可依需求簡單的滑動罩杯的位置。 ★軟質的罩杯外殼塗佈,幫助降低摩擦或碰撞造成噪音。 ★ABS材質隔層,僅增加一點厚度但提供更高的聲音衰減值。 ★現代感、輕薄的設計,兼顧美觀及防護性。 ★罩杯內部大空間,適用各種耳朵尺寸並 …
3M™ PELTOR™ Earmuffs X4A, 33 dB, Hi-Viz, Headband, CE
3M™ PELTOR™ X4 Earmuffs offer a slim lightweight option with a Single Noise Rating (SNR) of 33 dB, depending on attachment type. This low-profile earmuff is ideal for protection against mid- to high-level industrial noise and other loud sounds.
Key Benefits of the 3M™ E-A-Rfit™ Dual-Ear Validation System include: • Tests both ears simultaneously in less than 5 seconds • Science-based, quantitative testing • Fast, clear and accurate results • Tests 7 frequencies—125Hz to 8000Hz • 3M™ Earplug, earmuff, and headset (comms) testing capability
3M™ PELTOR™ X系列 頭帶式耳罩 X4A, 10 個/箱 | 3M 臺灣
3m持續探索並為眾多產業提供創新的解決方案,幫助解決世界各地的問題。 ... 3m™ peltor™ x系列 頭帶式耳罩 x4a, 10 個/箱 ...
Amazon.com: 3m X4a
3m Pro-Grade Earmuff, Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) 30 dB, Lightweight & Adjustable Ear Muffs, Reduce Pressure Points For All-Day Comfort, Steel Wire Headband With Rubber Overmold Design (90565-4DC-PS)