3NPO: Bovine beta lactoglobulin unliganded form - RCSB PDB
2010年6月28日 · 3npo, 3nq3, 3nq9 PubMed Abstract: Lactoglobulin is a natural protein present in bovine milk and common component of human diet, known for binding with high affinity wide range of hydrophobic compounds, among them fatty acids 12-20 carbon atoms long.
Versions: 3NPO - RCSB PDB
Changes made to a PDB entry after its initial release are considered to be either “major” or “minor”. The latest minor version of each major version is available as a file download. More information about the PDB versioning is available.
PDB 3npo structure summary ‹ Protein Data Bank in Europe …
2010年7月14日 · 3npo: Two modes of fatty acid binding to bovine β-lactoglobulin--crystallographic and spectroscopic studies.
3NPO: Bovine Beta Lactoglobulin Unliganded Form - National …
Biological Unit for 3NPO: monomeric; determined by author and by software (PISA)
贴片电容常见参数:NP0、C0G、X7R、X5R、Y5V、Z5U - CSDN …
2020年5月17日 · 介质材料划按容量的温度稳定性可以分为两类,即Ⅰ类陶瓷电容器和Ⅱ类陶瓷电容器。npo、c0g属于Ⅰ类陶瓷,而其他的x7r、x5r、y5v、z5u等都属于Ⅱ类陶瓷。
3npo - Bovine beta lactoglobulin unliganded form - Summary
PubMed Abstract: Lactoglobulin is a natural protein present in bovine milk and common component of human diet, known for binding with high affinity wide range of hydrophobic compounds, among them fatty acids 12-20 carbon atoms long. Shorter fatty acids were reported as not binding to β-lactoglobulin.
3D View: 3NPO - RCSB PDB
See Citation Policies for referencing Mol*, RCSB PDB, PDB structures, and Computed Structure Models.
NPO是美国军用标准(MI L)中的说法,其实应该是NP0(零),但一般大家习惯写成NPO(欧)。 这是Negative-Positive-Zero的简写,用来表示的温度特性。 说明NPO的电容温度特性很好,不随正负温度变化而出现容值漂移。 从前面我们已经知道,C0G是I类陶瓷中温度稳定性最好的一种,温度特性近似为0,满足“负-正-零”的含义。 所以C0G其实和NPO是一样的,只不过是两个标准的两种表示方法(当然,容值更小、精度略差一点的C0K、C0J等也是NPO电容)。 类似 …
Experiment: 3NPO - RCSB PDB
3NPO. Bovine beta lactoglobulin unliganded form. X-RAY DIFFRACTION. Starting Model(s) Initial Refinement Model(s) Type Source Accession Code Details; experimental model: PDB: 1BSY: PDB ENTRY 1BSY: Crystallization. Crystalization Experiments; ID Method pH Temperature Details; 1: VAPOR DIFFUSION, HANGING DROP: 7.5: 293:
2010年6月28日 · PDB Entry - 3NPO (Status - Released) Summary information: Title: Bovine beta lactoglobulin unliganded form. PDB DOI: https://doi.org/10.2210/pdb3npo/pdb. Primary publication DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jmr.1084. Entry authors: Loch, J.I., Lewinski, K. Initial deposition on: 28 June 2010. Initial release on: 14 July 2010. Latest revision on: 6 ...