Profile Pengacara Program 3R – Budiey Channel
2013年5月27日 · Rafidah Abdullah started hosting 3R in the year 2000 but left after 3 years to pursue her Master’s in Scriptwriting in London. Rafidah consistently wrote many episodes …
How 3R changed Malaysian TV - The Nut Graph
2010年4月27日 · The 3R hosts conducted many workshops, in collaboration with women’s organisations such as the All Women’s Action Society, on reproductive health, women’s …
My quest led me to a job switch from an auditor to hosting one of Malaysia’s award winning women empowerment program called 3R (Respect, Relax, Respond) as their host. 3R was …
Rafidah Abdullah (Author of Buku Untuk Filem Pisau Cukur) - Goodreads
Since her return in 2006, Rafidah has continued hosting 3R, and has been appointed Unicef ambassador for Malaysia along with her 3R co-hosts. Rafidah wrote and appeared in the …
Hos 3R mengimbas kembali - YouTube
Nak tau apa rasanya menjadi hos 3R? Nah, dengar sendiri dari Azah, Yuen, Rafidah, Tini dan Celina!Twitter: @3RMalaysia / #3RInstagram: @3RMalaysia / #3RFaceb...
Dayah, Amirah & Yvonne Hos Baharu '3R' - Hiburan | mStar
2013年10月17日 · PETALING JAYA: Program 3R (Respek, Relaks, Respon) musim baharu akhirnya memperkenalkan tiga hos iaitu Dayah Bakar, Amirah Azmi dan Yvonne Lee yang …
3R编码【3R教室 & 3R工作室】 | 3R教室 - 快速使用指南 - 3RCD
社区服务:运用3R教室优质的用户社区,提供优质的资源互助或自助服务。 涵盖招聘求职、发包接单、创业融资、产品推广、分享发现等方面。 目前所有这些暂时都在会员微信群中进行, …
Togeth3R - Danish 3R-Center
Each year, the Danish 3R-Center hosts their annual 3R-symposium in Copenhagen with international presenters and guests.
India poised to host the 12th Regional 3R and Circular Economy …
2025年2月24日 · The Forum will host an international ‘3R trade and technology exhibition’, providing a platform for over 40 Indian and Japanese businesses and start-ups to showcase …
India to host 12th Regional 3R and Circular Economy Forum in
2025年2月24日 · The Forum will host an international ‘3R trade and technology exhibition’, providing a platform for over 40 Indian and Japanese businesses and start-ups to showcase …