陇西籍学者王茂泽与合作者成功破解世界著名难题“3x+1猜想 - 知乎
2022年2月5日 · 据了解,“3x+1”猜想就是:任取一个正整数,如果它是偶数,我们就把它除以2,如果它是奇数,我们就把它乘3以后再加上1。 按照这个运算规则进行有限次运算后,最后结果必然为1。
Collatz conjecture - Wikipedia
Consider the following operation on an arbitrary positive integer: If the number is even, divide it by two. If the number is odd, triple it and add one. In modular arithmetic notation, define the function f as follows:
Algebra Calculator - Symbolab
To solve an algebraic expression, simplify the expression by combining like terms, isolate the variable on one side of the equation by using inverse operations. Then, solve the equation by finding the value of the variable that makes the equation true.
3x+1猜想 - 百度百科
3x+1问题大概就是其中最著名而又最简单的一个。 它简单到大概任何一个会除2和会乘3的人都能理解它的意思,但是困难得让数学家没有找到好好解决它的方法。
The 3x+1 Problem - Grinnell College
"The 3x+1 problem, also known as the Collatz problem, the Syracuse problem, Kakutani's problem, Hasse's algorithm, and Ulam's problem, concerns the behavior of the iterates of the function which takes odd integers n to 3n+1 and even integers n to n/2. The 3x+1 Conjecture asserts that, starting from any positive integer n, repeated iteration of ...
Equation Solver - Mathway
The equation solver allows you to enter your problem and solve the equation to see the result. Solve in one variable or many.
3x+1 problem - OeisWiki - The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer …
The 3x+1 problem concerns an iterated function and the question of whether it always reaches 1 when starting from any positive integer. It is also known as the Collatz problem or the hailstone problem .
中国梅州蕉岭王来生向全球公开考拉兹猜想【或称3X+1猜想】的 …
3 天之前 · 考拉兹猜想 又称[奇偶归一猜想 , 3x+1猜想 , 魔鬼猜想 , 角谷猜想 , 冰雹猜想 等],这一看似简单的数学问题,却难为了人类近百年! 第一步;根据 P=NP 的科学原理,将求证任悥自然数都满足考拉兹猜想[即NP问题]转化为;求证任意不小于5的奇数满足考拉兹猜想 ...
The 3x+1 problem! - Mathematical Gemstones
2012年8月12日 · We can draw a graph on the positive integers in which we connect to with an arrow for all , and color it red if is odd and black if is even. The portion of the graph near looks like this: We just want to show that this graph is connected - that there are no other components with very large integers that don’t connect back to .
Solve 3x+1 | Microsoft Math Solver
Una ecuación cuadrática con real o complejo [tiene dos soluciones, llamadas raíces. Estas dos soluciones pueden o no ser distintas, y pueden o no ser reales. Puede ser posible expresar una ecuación cuadrática ax² + bx + c = 0 como un producto = 0.
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