转换 每小时英里 自 每小时公里 (mph → km/h) - Convert
键入您想要转换,然后按转换按钮的金额. 每小时英里 自 每小时公里. 单位之间转换 (mph → km/h) 或见转换表.
4F-MPH - PsychonautWiki
4-Fluoromethylphenidate (commonly known as 4F-MPH) is a novel synthetic stimulant of the phenidate class that produces long-lasting euphoriant, and stimulating effects when administered. It is a closely related structural analog of the commonly prescribed ADHD drug methylphenidate (known by the brand-names Ritalin and Concerta).
4-Fluoromethylphenidate - Wikipedia
4-Fluoromethylphenidate (also known as 4-FMPH and 4F-MPH) is a stimulant drug that acts as a higher potency dopamine reuptake inhibitor than the closely related methylphenidate. [2][3][4]
Pace Tables - Miles Per Hour | runbundle
A chart that shows which race finish times are yielded for different distances for various running speeds in miles per hour
Speed Distance Time Calculator
2023年10月21日 · Find mph, miles per hour, km/hour. Solve for speed, distance, time and rate with formulas s=d/t, d=st, d=rt, t=d/s. Calculate rate of speed given distance and time.
Miles per hour to Kilometers per hour - Metric Conversion
Miles per hour to Kilometers per hour (mph to kph) conversion calculator for Speed conversions with additional tables and formulas.
Convert 4 Miles per Hour to Kilometers per Hour - CalculateMe.com
4 miles per hour is equal to about 6.44 kilometers per hour. A mile per hour is a unit of speed commonly used in the United States. It is equal to exactly 1.609344 kilometers per hour. A kilometer per hour is a unit of speed. Something traveling at one kilometer per hour is traveling about 0.278 meters per second, or about 0.621 miles per hour.
Analytically Confirmed Intoxication by 4-Fluoromethylphenidate…
2019年6月1日 · 4-Fluoromethylphenidate (4F-MPH) is an halogenated derivative of methylphenidate (MPH), a re-uptake inhibitor for dopamine and norepinephrine used for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorders.
Analytical characterization and pharmacological evaluation of the …
4-Fluoromethylphenidate (4F-MPH) (Figure 1) is a methylphenidate analog that was developed within the pharmaceutical setting. However, in November 2015, it was first notified by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) Early Warning System following its detection on the recreational market. [35] .
4-Fluoromethylphenidate: Fatal Intoxication Involving a …
2019年8月19日 · The (±)-threo-4-fluoromethylphenidate (4F-MPH) is a fluorinated analog of the prescription central nervous system stimulant medication, methylphenidate. This novel psychoactive substance was first detected in drug paraphernalia at the Miami-Dade County Medical Examiner Department Toxicology Laboratory in 2016 but was not detected in a ...