numerals - Which is better "4+" or "+4"? - Writing Stack Exchange
2023年12月8日 · +4 means "four more" Since you want to say "at least four", you should choose 4+. I don't think "+4" has any general interpretation, it should just be avoided in most contexts. You might write a note for someone to "please get 4+ apples" instructing them to get at least 4 …
"Four is better" vs "Four are better". Which one is correct?
2021年7月30日 · If you say exactly what you wrote, "One cake is good but four is/are better", then the correct answer is "are". There's an implied "cakes" after "four", "four CAKES are better". "Four cakes" is clearly plural, so you should use the plural verb. But now make a subtle change in wording that doesn't change the meaning at all.
Writing Numbers - The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation
2007年4月14日 · Rule 4 in our “Writing Numbers” section says, “A mixed fraction can be expressed in figures unless it is the first word of a sentence.” Therefore, you can either write “I’m nine and one-half years old,” or “I’m 9 1/2 years old.”
Does 4+ include 4? Or does it mean more than 4? | HiNative
2023年3月21日 · @jiyoom19 It means 4 or more :) The owner of it will not be notified. Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer.
How to Write Feet and Inches - The Calculator Site
2021年12月2日 · Firstly, we can write the abbreviation for feet as “ft.” - for example, we would write 4 ft. Alternatively, you may also see a single apostrophe indicating feet - so 4′ = 4 ft. = four feet. “Ft” is the same abbreviation for both singular and plural forms, so one foot is written as 1 ft., and two feet is 2 ft.
Home | 4OR - Springer
4OR - A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research is an academic journal publishing high quality scientific papers on the theory and applications of Operations Research. The journal consists of several sections: Invited Surveys, written by prominent researchers on …
python里为什么 3 and 4 是4 ?3 or 4 是3? - 百度知道
3 or 4 是3? and中含0,返回0; 均为非0时,返回后一个值;or中, 至少有一个非0时,返回第一个非0;这两个式子分别相当于3 and True和3 or False。 原因是所有不为0的整数都视为True。
kinda OT: Correct way to write the number four
2004年4月1日 · I don't think there is a correct way to write the letter 4. It is dictated by the protocal you are following. Leonardo daVinci's 4 was a + sign. The old Belgian gun I was repairing had an open 4. Other circumstances require a closed 4. I have number stamps that actually have an open 4,though most have a closed 4.
Why Can Carbon Have Valences of +4 and -4? - Physics Forums
2008年4月13日 · Carbons valency can be either +4 or -4 because it can either lose 4 electrons to gain Helium electron configuration, or gain 4 to get Neons, but this rarely ever applies because as it loses those electrons, it gains positive charge, which attracts electrons back again.
求问not 1 or 0 and 1 or 3 and 4 or 5 and 6 or 7 and 8 and 9为什么等于4…
2018年3月6日 · not 1 输出是 false呀: (not 1)or (0 and 1) or (3 and 4) or (5 and 6) or (7 and 8 and 9):false or 0 输出就是错误了呀为什么最后结果还能是4 设为首页 收藏本站 切换到窄版