4.3L V6 interchangeability - S-10 Forum
2012年7月18日 · The 4.3L V6 engine was introduced in the S10, S15, & S10 Blazer in 1988. The 4.3L V6 block and heads from 1988 to 1995 are fully interchangeable. In other words, a 4.3 L …
What manual transmissions fit (the 4.3L V6)? - S-10 Forum
2018年5月8日 · No, the 3.8L is a 90 degree V6. The early ones were based on the Buick 305cid V8's, with two cylinders missing. The 4th gen F bodies got the Gen-II 3.8L V6, RPO code L36. …
My turbocharging a 4.3 paper - S-10 Forum
2011年5月3日 · Here you have a few options, the 4.3 Marine intake, the Edelbrock 2114 intake, a cut down Holley Stealth Ram, or a completely custom from scratch intake. The easiest and …
aluminium block 4.3 - S-10 Forum
2003年5月31日 · Aluminum 4.3 10134371 V6 Aluminum Block This new and best-ever V6/90º aluminum block is improved to withstand the ever increasing power levels that today's racing …
T-5 Behind 4.3L? - S-10 Forum
2004年4月20日 · The 1985 or so Chevy Astro vans used the small input (1" diam. x 14 spline) T5 trannie behind the 4.3L 90 degree V6 engine. That is the same size input shaft as the T5 …
Need info on odd fire and even fire 4.3 V6 - S-10 Forum
2002年6月30日 · the 4.3 was introduced in 1985 and is a true "even fire " engine. Its rod throws are offset 30 degrees which produce 120 deg. of crankshaft rotation between cylinder firings. …
the holy grail of 4.3 info!! - S-10 Forum
2004年9月5日 · 3) A heavy-duty engine was offered for trucks and vans with over 8500 GVW from '89 through '95. It used a heavy-duty Zollner piston with an 8.3:1 compression ratio and …
4.3 v6 supercharged - S-10 Forum
2023年7月30日 · Power Adders - Eaton M90 on a 4.3 S-10??? - Anyone ever kick around the idea of mounting an Eaton M90 blower to a 4.3 liter S-10. They normally feed a 3.8 liter so it is …
2022年2月17日 · With having to replace the SPIDER and injectors as one unit in a 4.3L V6 - I was wondering if anyone ever thought about deleting the SPIDER and replacing it with a fuel rail …
'94 4.3 W - CMFI Motor - Bad Hesitation during Acceleration
2004年4月5日 · Hi Guys - First time visitor to the forum. Read some old posts and looks like you guys are sharp on these 4.3's, so help me out here, please!! I've got a '94 4x4 with the 4.3 W …