40Cr - 百度百科
国际标准化组织 ISO标准 钢号41Cr4。 温度850~870℃,硬度179~229 HBW。 温度740~760℃, 保温时间 4~6h,再以5~10℃/h的冷速,降温到≤600℃,出炉空冷。 处理前硬度≤217HBW,软化后硬度≤163HBW。 共3个循环,再降温至550℃,出炉空冷。 处理后硬度153HBW。 淬火温度 850℃ ±10℃,油冷;回火温度520℃±10℃,水、油、空冷。 40Cr 调质 以后的硬度大概在32-36 HRC 之间,也就是说大概301-340HB之间. 中碳 调质钢, 冷镦模具钢。 该钢价格适中,加工容 …
40Cr Steel Equivalent, Mechanical Properties & Chemical …
40Cr steel is a kind of Chinese GB standard alloy steel for engineering and machinery purpose, and one of the most widely used steel grades. For 40Cr material hardness, specifications and equivalent, please see the table below.
India IS 3930 40Cr4 / 40Cr4 Datasheet, chemical composition …
India IS 40Cr4 Flame and induction hardening steels and Mechanical Properties, Chemical Element, Cross Reference.
40Cr4 - IS 11169-1-2022 - 材数库 - caishuku.com
40Cr4: 对应标准: IS 11169-1-2022 冷镦/冷挤压用钢 第1部分 锻造碳素钢和低合金钢 Steels for cold heading/cold extursion applications: 归类: 合金钢
TK Steels
40Cr4 is an alloy steel consisting of an average amount of carbon 0.35-0.45%, Silicon 0.10-0.35%, Manganese 0.6-0.9%, Chromium 0.9-1.2%. It is most widely used as a material for automobile component in industry as it possess the better mechanical property such as high tensile strength, toughness, ductility and hardness
UNI 40 Cr 4 Chemical Composition, UNI 40 Cr 4 Mechanical
It mainly introduce the chemical composition,mechanical properties, heat treatment, processing performance and performance standards about UNI 40 Cr 4.For various specification of steel production and processing to provide the standard production,we have the professional experience for UNI 40 Cr 4.We can also produce it according to the AISI, UN...
UNI 40 Cr 4 - Steel Grades
This page cover the UNI 40 Cr 4 chemical element, Mechanical Properties, UNI 40 Cr 4 Datasheet, Cross Reference of UNI 40 Cr 4 steel, Mainly used for .
40Cr steel is Chinese GB standard alloy steel for engineering and machinery purpose, and one of the most widely used steel grades. It has good comprehensive mechanical properties. It is suitable for surface hardening treatment such as high frequency quenching and flame quenching. It has good comprehensive mechanical properties.
40Cr A20402 - GB /T 3077-1999 - 材数库 - caishuku.com
这是最常用的合金调质结构钢,用于制造承受中等负荷和中等速度工作条件下的机械零件,如汽车的转向节、后半轴及机床上的齿轮、轴、蜗杆、花键轴、顶尖套等;也可经调质并高频淬火后用于制造具有高的表面硬度及耐磨性而无大冲击的零件,如齿轮、套筒、轴、主轴、曲轴、心轴、销子、连杆、螺钉、进气阀等;也可经淬火、中温或低温回火,制造承受重负荷的零件;又适用于制造进行碳氮共渗处理的各种传动零件,如直径较大和要求低温韧性好的齿轮和轴. —本标准规定 …
40Cr4综合力学性能优秀_焊接_齿轮_工艺 - 搜狐
2024年5月8日 · 40Cr4是一种合金结构钢,属于中碳调质钢,具有良好的综合力学性能和淬透性,广泛应用于机械制造业。 40Cr4焊接前需预热,以防止焊缝内部淬裂。 焊接后调质前最好加一遍正火。 焊接材料应保证熔敷金属的成分与母材基本相同。 · 良好的淬透性 :水淬时可淬透到Ф28~60mm,油淬时可淬透到Ф15~40mm。 · 优异的综合力学性能 :调质处理后具有良好的韧性、塑性和耐磨性。 · 较好的切削性能 :当硬度为174~229HB时,相对切削加工性为60%。 · …