PSRL-1 - Wikipedia
The Precision Shoulder-fired Rocket Launcher-1 also known as the (PSRL-1) is a modified American copy of the Soviet/Russian RPG-7 shoulder-fired rocket-propelled grenade launcher developed by AirTronic USA.
AirTronic PSRL-1 (RPG-7USA) - Military Factory
2021年5月7日 · The 40mm is billed as an "Americanized" version of the storied weapon, available in 40mm caliber, and weighs 14lbs with a length of 950mm. The product is marketed as compatible/backwards compatible with all existing RPG-7 rocket projectiles.
有效射程達800公尺的RPG:PSRL-1 【AUSA 2017】
苏联/俄罗斯RPG-7火箭筒及弹药简介 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
美国 AirTronic 公司在PSRL-1基础上改进的型号 PSRL-2 (GS-777),使用了轻量化的材料,发射管重量仅为3.5 kg,几乎是原来的一半,寿命提高至1000发。 PSRL-1已装备秘鲁军队。
RPG-7火箭筒迎来60周岁生日 装备数量稳居世界之冠 解读成功密码
2021年7月28日 · 最有趣的是,美国Airtronic公司推出了所谓的“精密肩扛火箭发射器(PSRL)”,采用了有钢内衬的碳纤维发射管。 由于采用了先进材料和制造工艺,将火箭筒的重量减少到3.5千克,比传统的型号轻了3千克。
Rocket launcher PSRL-1-full review-specifications
PSRL-1 is one of the most effective fire-fighting weapons in the arsenal of the National Guard of Ukraine A batch of 40-mm PSRL-1 hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers, which the Ukrainian National Guard received from the United States and adopted into service about a year ago, has significantly improved the firepower and combat capability of ...
新型PSRL精确肩射式火箭筒(附彩图) - 百度文库
为满足复杂地形条件下非对称战争对简单有效的武器系统的需求,美国埃尔特尼克斯(AirTronic)公司研制出PSRL精确肩射式火箭筒。 该火箭筒是俄制RPG火箭筒的美国化型,RPG火箭筒是一种低成本、可再利用、安全和可靠的武器系统,目前超过900万套在全球多个 ...
RPG党的福音 美国山寨版PSRL-1火箭筒再进化,加装M4步枪的伸 …
从1969年定型至今,69式40毫米单兵反坦克火箭筒及其配套的各种弹药,一直是我军步兵班/排的主力反坦克武器。 随着近年来我军装备水平的提升,69式40毫米单兵反坦克火箭筒及其配套弹药,正在退出我军装备序列,但在军贸领域,它们仍以旺盛的生命力在书写着传奇。 中国虽然是世界上最早将火箭投入战场的国家,但在近代火箭发展中却没有任何建树,直到二战中,才通过美国军援获得了M1式和M9式两种60毫米反坦克火箭筒。 美式火箭筒的出现,解决了长期以来中国军 …
Airtronic PSRL-1 | Theregiment Wiki | Fandom
The PSRL-1 is a rocket-propelled grenade launcher developed by Airtronic. It is a modernized version of the RPG-7 series.
AirTronic PSRL-1 (RPG-7USA): Photos, History, Specification
The product debuted in 2009 as the RPG-7USA, also known as the PSRL-1 ("Precision Shoulder-fired Rocket Launcher 1"). The 40mm is an "Americanized" version of the famous gun, available in 40mm caliber, weighing 14lbs and 950mm long. This product is sold as compatible/backward compatible with all existing RPG-7 missile projectiles.