Baroque 415 Hz tuning--why? - The Fingerboard - Maestronet …
2000年1月3日 · 415 is a compromise pitch based in part on a tuning fork we know to have been used in Mozart's time in Vienna. It seems to work well for baroque/classical instruments in general by not twisting them out of shape with too much tension. Other A's would vary by nationality, period, or performance context.
440 vs. 415 Hz: what's the difference between baroque and ... - YouTube
You might have heard of recorder tuned in 440, 415, or even 466 - but what does that mean?? And can you tell the difference? I hope you're ready to get nerdy...
Who here is tuning to A=415? When and why? : r/classicalmusic - Reddit
2014年8月11日 · One of the pitches used during the baroque period was A-415. Since <415 hz. is about a half-step below the modern standard of A-440, the <pitch of A-415 was seized on as a convenient modern “baroque pitch” standard, because in the early days of the historical performance <movement a harpsichord would sometimes play with groups at A-440 <and ...
A 415 Hz Tone For Instrument Tuning Baroque Period - YouTube
7/4 Metronomes - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxZtPbE1EtNuVIqQi-wtuC-lWpZ12zSeD
The Story of "A:" More about Baroque pitch - Blogger
2010年1月7日 · One of the pitches used during the baroque period was A-415. Since 415 hz. is about a half-step below the modern standard of A-440, the pitch of A-415 was seized on as a convenient modern “baroque pitch” standard, because in the early days of the historical performance movement a harpsichord would sometimes play with groups at A-440 and ...
Blog » A4=415Hz – The Baroque Pitch “Standard” - ROEL\'S …
High-pitched strings vibrate faster, generating brighter but “thinner” sound. The low 415Hz pitch generated a warmer, fuller tone relative to other (higher) pitches used around that time. Another reason mentioned for using a low pitch was related to the design of a characteristic Baroque instrument used: the Harpsichord.
A=415 Hz for Tuning Reference - YouTube
2019年7月15日 · A=415 for Tuning Reference For Early Music Players or anyone who's curious enough to tune down. with the Gabrieli Consort and Players. Thanks to OedipusColoneus for this video. You are not...
TUNING TEMPERAMENTS (A4=440/435/430.5/415HZ) by Roel …
2015年9月22日 · Scientific pitch, also known as philosophical pitch, Sauveur pitch or Verdi tuning, is an absolute pitch standard that sets middle C (or C4) to 256 Hz. All the octaves of C are an exact round...
415 Hz才是真正的Baroque A音嗎? - musicvalley.com.hk
2017年6月17日 · 筆者認為A = 415 Hz可以令樂器的音色更圓潤,在合奏上也會更和諧。 大家可以在Video Link裡,聽聽幾首使用不同音高的演繹,看看你又會喜歡那個音高? 在音高的問題上,筆者也有遇過一些「絕對音準自大狂」。
なぜバロック調律は415Hzになったのか? なぜ半音低いの? – 私 …
2018年2月6日 · 現代のバロック演奏では415Hzのピッチを使うことが多くなった。 これはとても良いことだ。 しかし、バロックの全てが415Hzというわけではない。 一口にバロックと言っても範囲は広くて、地域により時代により、あるいは編成や場所によりさまざまだったはずだ。 バロックの時代に、イタリアもフランスもドイツもぴったり同じピッチだったら、逆に不思議な気がする。 隣の国のピッチなんてなかなか分かるものではない。 ヘンデルのピッチは420Hz …
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