NVR4232-EI - Dahua International - Dahua Technology
Up to 10 face databases with 20,000 images, with a total capacity of 2.5 G. Name, gender, birthday, address, credential type, credential No., countries & regions and state can be added to each face image. *Simultaneous/heterogeneous video sources output for VGA and HDMI is …
NVR4232-EI - Dahua CEEN Region - Dahua Technology
Supports adaptive decoding. Up to 10 face databases with 20,000 images, with a total capacity of 2.5 G. Name, gender, birthday, address, credential type, credential No., countries & regions and state can be added to each face image. *Simultaneous/heterogeneous video sources output for VGA and HDMI is configurable.
NVR4000-EI series is a new generation of network recorders that ofers powerful decoding capabilities, and strong bandwidth. It features high-precision face recognition, perimeter protection, and SMD (Smart Motion Detection), which can distinguish target vehicles and humans from other types in real time.
Audio Output 1-channel RCA Alarm Input 4 channels Alarm Output 2 channels Disk Interface 2 SATA ports, up to 16 TB.The maximum HDD capacity varies with environment temperature. USB 2 (1 front USB 2.0 port, 1 rear USB 2.0 port) HDMI 1 VGA 1 Network Port 1 (10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet port, RJ-45) General
NVR4232-4KS2/L - Dahua India - Dahua Technology
Supports adaptive decoding. 1. Play/pause/stop/slow/quick/backward/by frame. 2. Full screen, backup (video clip/file), partial zoom in, and audio on/off. 2 SATA III ports, up to 10 TB for a single HDD. The maximum HDD capacity varies with environment temperature.
2023年2月14日 · NVR4000-EI series is a new generation of network recorders that ofers powerful decoding capabilities, and strong bandwidth. It features high-precision face recognition, perimeter protection, and SMD (Smart Motion Detection), which can distinguish target vehicles and humans from other types in real time.
投影机-EIKI/爱其投影机: LCD投影机 DLP投影机
爱其影像设备 (上海)有限公司,凭借多年来的管理经验和品牌美誉,为中国市场提供了从2,000流明到15,000流明,覆盖LCD和DLP全系列共40余款产品。 近年在国家机关、企业事业单位、军队、科研、教育等多领域采购活动中取得骄人成绩.
EIKI/爱其投影机: LCD投影机 DLP投影机
爱其影像设备 (上海)有限公司,凭借多年来的管理经验和品牌美誉,为中国市场提供了从2,000流明到15,000流明,覆盖LCD和DLP全系列共40余款产品。 近年在国家机关、企业事业单位、军队、科研、教育等多领域采购活动中取得骄人成绩.
EIKI爱其音响_EIKI爱其价格_EIKI爱其官网_EIKI爱其总代理_环球音 …
4232-472J_API Delevan_4232-472J中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立创 …
4232-472J由API Delevan设计生产,立创商城现货销售。 4232-472J价格参考¥11.28。 API Delevan 4232-472J参数名称:电感值:4.7uH;精度:±5%;额定电流:339mA;直流电阻 (DCR):1.8Ω。 下载4232-472J中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册,有功率电感详细引脚图及功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。