435 Ella - Wikipedia
435 Ella is a typical Main belt asteroid. It was discovered by Max Wolf and A. Schwassmann on 11 September 1898 in Heidelberg . This is the eponymous member of a proposed asteroid family with at least 15 members.
小行星435 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
小行星435(英語: 435 Ella )是一颗围绕太阳 公转的小行星。1898年9月11日,马克斯·沃夫、阿诺德·施瓦斯曼在海德堡描述了此天体 [3] [4] 。 这颗小行星的绝对星等为10.23等 [3] 。
Asteroid Ella | Space Reference
Ella is a large asteroid orbiting between Mars and Jupiter in the main portion of the asteroid belt. NASA JPL has not classified Ella as potentially hazardous because its orbit does not bring it close to Earth. Ella orbits the sun every 1,400 days (3.83 years), coming as close as 2.07 AU and reaching as far as 2.83 AU from the sun.
(435) Ella - 3D Asteroid Catalogue
Ella (Model 2) Please note that the models are in planetocentric coordinate system, with Z axis passing through north pole. Actual rotational axis may differ from planetocentric poles, especially for small irregular bodies.
(435) Ella — Wikipédia
(435) Ella est un astéroïde de la ceinture principale découvert par M. Wolf et A. Schwassmann le 11 septembre 1898. À ne pas confondre avec deux autres astéroïdes : (699) Hela et (1370) Hella .
435 Ella – Wikipedija/Википедија
435 Ella je asteroid glavnog asteroidnog pojasa. Približan prečnik asteroida je 41,49 km, a srednja udaljenost asteroida od Sunca iznosi 2,449 astronomskih jedinica (AJ). Inklinacija (nagib) orbite u odnosu na ravan ekliptike je 1,817 stepeni, a orbitalni period iznosi 1400,420 dana (3,834 godine). Ekscentricitet orbite asteroida iznosi 0,154.
435 Ella (Asteroid) - In-The-Sky.org
435 Ella (Asteroid) 435 Ella (Asteroid) In-The-Sky.org. Guides to the night sky. Location: Redmond (47.67°N; 122.12°W) 435 Ella (Asteroid) Home Your Sky Asteroids 435 Ella. News Upcoming events By topic. Appulses; Asteroids; Comets; Conjunctions; The Deep Sky; The Dwarf Planets; The Earth; Eclipses; The Inner Planets ...
435 Ella - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
2024年1月25日 · 435 Ella is a typical Main belt asteroid. It was discovered by Max Wolf and A. Schwassmann on September 11, 1898 in Heidelberg. Photometric observations during 1995 show a rotation period of 4.264 hours. 435 Ella is classified as a DCXtype asteroid.435 Ella Wikipedia (Text) CC BYSA
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(435) Ella - wiki7.org
Gå till navigering Gå till sök. (435) Ella; Asteroid: Öppning; Upptäckare: Max Wolf, Friedrich Schwassmann: Plats för upptäckt: Heidelberg