Gliese 436 b - Wikipedia
It was the first hot Neptune discovered with certainty (in 2007) and was among the smallest-known transiting planets in mass and radius, until the much smaller Kepler exoplanet discoveries began circa 2010. In December 2013, NASA reported that clouds may have been detected in the atmosphere of GJ 436 b. [8][9][10][11]
GJ 436 b - NASA Science
Oct 24, 2024 · GJ 436 b is a Neptune-like exoplanet that orbits a M-type star. Its mass is 22.1 Earths, it takes 2.6 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.0291 AU from its star. Its discovery was announced in 2004.
格利泽436b - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
格利泽436b(英语: Gliese 436 b , / ˈ ɡ l iː z ə / )是一个环绕格利泽436的系外 气体巨行星,其大小与海王星差不多。由于离母恒星非常的近,故其表面温度很高,达712 K(439 °C)。
格利泽436b - 百度百科
格利泽436b是一个环绕 格利泽436 的 太阳系外行星 ,是气体行星,大小与 海王星 差不多。 由于离母恒星非常的近,因此它的表面的温度很高,有712K(439 °C),有趣的是,虽然格利泽436b的表面温度极高,但是它的内部 气压 非常的大,因此它含有的水蒸气会凝结成 ...
格利泽436 - 百度百科
已知有一颗行星环绕着这颗恒星公转,命名为 格利泽436b 。 这颗行星的轨道周期是2.6地球日,是从地球上以 凌日法 测量出轨道周期的。 它的质量是22.2 地球质量 ,直径大约是55,000公里,这样的质量和半径类似于我们 太阳系 的 冰巨星 天王星 和 海王星 。
GJ 436 | NASA Exoplanet Archive
High cadence near infrared timing observations of extrasolar planets. I. GJ 436b and XO-1b. The Palomar/MSU nearby star spectroscopic survey. II. The southern M dwarfs and investigations of magnetic activity.
Polar View of GJ 436b System - Science@NASA
Jun 24, 2015 · The warm, Neptune-sized exoplanet GJ 436b resides very close to its star – less than 3 million miles – and whips around it in just 2.6 Earth days. A huge, comet-like cloud of hydrogen nicknamed "The Behemoth" is shown bleeding off of the planet and trailing it like the tail of a comet. The planet is just 30 light-years from Earth.
A JWST Panchromatic Thermal Emission Spectrum of the Warm …
Feb 24, 2025 · We present the first panchromatic emission spectrum of GJ 436b observed with JWST's NIRCAM (F322W2 and F444W) and MIRI (LRS) instruments between 2.4 and 11.9 μ m. Surprisingly, the JWST spectrum appears significantly fainter around 3.6 μ m than that implied by Spitzer photometry.
Planet GJ 436 b - Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia
A JWST Panchromatic Thermal Emission Spectrum of the Warm Neptune Archetype GJ 436b 2025 MUKHERJEE S., SCHLAWIN E., BELL T., FORTNEY J., BEATTY Th. et al. zenodo
Artist’s Concept of Extasolar Planet GJ 436b - Science@NASA
Jun 24, 2015 · Artist’s Concept of Extasolar Planet GJ 436b. This artist's concept shows "The Behemoth," an enormous comet-like cloud of hydrogen bleeding off of a warm, Neptune-sized planet just 30 light-years from Earth. Also depicted is the parent star, which is a faint red dwarf named GJ 436. The hydrogen is evaporating from the planet due to extreme ...