"The 456" | Tardis | Fandom
"The 456" (pronounced "four-five-six") was the name given to an alien race that negotiated secretly with the British government in 1965, and again in 2009. This designation was given to them by humans based on the radio wavelength they used, and they took on the name as their own in their dealings with humans, as opposed to offering the actual ...
Torchwood: Children of Earth - Wikipedia
In 1965 Scotland, an alien race called the 456 offer the British government a cure to an influenza strain that would wipe out 25 million people, in exchange for 12 children. One of these children, Clement McDonald, is pubescent and no longer produces …
The 456 | Villains Wiki | Fandom
The 456 (pronounced four-five-six) are the main antagonists of Torchwood: Children of Earth, the third series of the British sci-fi show Torchwood. They are an alien species that visited the Earth in 1965 to take human children in return for giving humanity an anti-virus, and later return in...
History of the 456 | History of Doctor Who - YouTube
I take a look at everything we know about the 456, aliens that influenced humanity, toppled governments, caused treason and outrage, death and destruction an...
Inside the 456's Chamber | Day Four | Torchwood: Children of Earth
2020年6月7日 · One of Frobisher's team is allowed to explore inside the chamber containing the 456 - but nothing prepares them for what's inside. Subscribe to Torchwood for...
The 456 - Doctor Who Wiki - Neoseeker
2012年2月10日 · The 456 are an alien race that once visited the planet in a secret negotiation with the British Government in 1965, and again in 2009. Their name was given to them by the Human Race by the radio...
Aliens - Torchwood - The Doctor Who Site
Torchwood has introduced a range of new monsters and aliens to the Doctor Who universe from the menacing Weevils to Abaddon, son of the great Beast. Below are some of the aliens and characters Torchwood has faced. The 456 have secretly negotiated with the British Government on two occasions, in 1965 and 2009.
456 ambassador | Tardis - Fandom
The 456 ambassador was a member of the 456, who came to Earth in 2009 to extract 10% of its children for the purpose of drug-dealing and usage. The ambassador was the only individual of the species with which humanity had direct contact.
The 456 | Alien Species | Fandom
The 456 (pronounced 'four-five-six') was an alien race that negotiated secretly with the British government in 1965, and again in 2009. This designation was given to them by humans based on the radio wavelength they used, and they took on the …
The 456 | WikiSciFi | Fandom
In 1965, Andrew Staines, Ellen Hunt, Michael Sanders, and Jack Harkness implemented a deal with the unseen aliens. In exchange for twelve Human children, the 456 would give them an anti-virus for amutated strain of Spanish influenza, which would otherwise (according to the aliens, whose projections were backed up by British analysts) have ...