Elastic Seismic Imaging Enhancement of Sparse 4C Ocean-Bottom …
Abstract: The ocean-bottom node (OBN) seismic acquisition system is designed to gather high-fidelity, wide-azimuth, and long-offset four-component (4C) data, which includes shear waves and enables the use of the elastic assumption in imaging and inversion.
4-C seismic method - SEG Wiki
2014年10月7日 · Thus, to capture the converted-wave energy, we need to record it at the water bottom using an ocean-bottom cable (OBC). And to record it, we need to use geophones that register velocity of the particle motion that is perpendicular to …
Ocean Bottom Nodes - PXGEO
Ocean bottom node (OBN) acquisition is adaptable to more challenging imaging objectives providing full azimuth 4C sampling. PXGEO provides a range of ocean bottom nodes suitable in water depths up to 3,000 meter using efficient and accurate placement methods.
笔者以最新的国内外研究成果和发表的论文为基础,总结了海上obc-obn技术的发展历史及研究现状,综述了有关海上四分量地震勘探采集技术及装备,以及处理与解释技术,认为:海底多分量地震相对于海上拖缆地震,具有多分量数据、宽方位、宽频等优势,是海上地震 ...
Acoustic–Elastic Coupled Equations for Joint Elastic ... - Springer
2021年11月17日 · Elastic wave imaging with ocean-bottom four-component (4C) seismic data offers unique advantages in offshore oil and gas exploration, but for sparse ocean-bottom node/ocean-bottom seismometer (OBN/OBS) 4C seismic data, the problems of imaging acquisition footprints, poor phase continuity, and low signal-to-noise (S/N) persist.
Ocean Bottom Nodes - TGS
MASS III delivers high quality 4C data with up to 150 days of recording time and operating depths from 0 to 3,000 meters, in a compact lightweight design. ZXPLR combines clarity with flexibility. With easy, low-risk deployment, the lightweight Z100 is ideal for transition zones.
(PDF) Elastic Seismic Imaging Enhancement of Sparse 4C Ocean …
2023年1月1日 · The ocean bottom node (OBN) seismic acquisition system is designed to gather high-fidelity, wide-azimuth, and long-offset four-component (4C) data, which includes shear...
Elastic common-receiver Gaussian beam migration of 4C
Four-component ocean-bottom node (OBN) surveys allow for the imaging of subsurface elastic properties for oil and gas exploration in deepwater environments. However, sparse acquisition sampling for the high-quality imaging of OBN data is challenging.
中国科学院Cheng, Shijun:利用深度学习增强稀疏4C海底节点数据 …
2023年1月1日 · 在海洋地震勘探中,海底节点(obn)地震采集系统被设计用于收集高保真度、宽方位和长偏移距的四分量(4c)数据,其中包括剪切波,能够在成像和反演中使用弹性假设。
Seismic Imaging with Ocean-Bottom Nodes (Obn): New …
The Atlantis Seatrial 3D-4C OBN survey was acquired by SeaBird Exploration in 2009 over the Atlantis field at Gulf of Mexico. A total of 41 nodes were used at 17 locations on receiver lines to record the data from the sea bottom.