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Create a sustainable future for coffee. The 4C Code of Conduct enables coffee farmers in 18 countries to participate in sustainable markets and profit from higher economic outcomes, improved and fair working conditions and the preservation of …
What is 4C › 4C Services
4C is an independent, stakeholder-driven, internationally recognized sustainability standard for the entire coffee and cocoa sector, aiming at anchoring sustainability in coffee and cocoa supply chains.
Fresh Roasted Coffee | 4cs - 4given Coffee Shoppe | Manitowoc
Try a classic straight-from-the-pot brewed coffee, espresso with our freshly roasted, ground, and tamped beans, slow drip cold brew that is slowly being made throughout the day in our cold brew tower on display, and more.
Welcome to the world of 4C › 4C Services
4C stands for “Common Code for the Coffee Community” and global leading certification scheme for the sustainable cultivation and processing of coffee. Over 10% of the global coffee area is 4C certified. 4C is currently active in 20 countries, where over 300,000 coffee farmers produce 1.6 million tons of 4C certified coffee on nearly 1 ...
4C Certification for Coffee - Approved 4C Audits | QIMA/WQS
As an approved 4C auditor, QIMA/WQS can process your application for 4C certification, inspect different elements of your coffee supply chain to verify compliance with the 4C Code of Conduct, and, upon successful evaluation, request the issue of a relevant certificate.
4c标准咖啡是指咖啡源自验证的4c单位及买卖沿4c咖啡连锁协会的成员。 4C协会的成员是4C系统的一部分,沿着这条供应链保持4C标准的身份、要求咖啡有可追溯性。
The Common Code for the Coffee Community - 4C
The 4C certification aims to gradually raise the social, economic and environmental conditions of coffee production and processing worldwide. 4C was created through a participatory, extensive, transparent and balanced consultation with coffee stakeholders worldwide.
4CS Cafe Blend | 4given Coffee Shoppe
Freshly roasted and bagged beans sourced and blended from different regions and farms around the globe and made on-site at 4given Coffee Shoppe. Medium roast and perfect for drip coffee at home. Comes sealed in a bag of freshly roasted whole or ground beans.
Our Impact › 4C Services
4C continues to be a robust certification system, proven by the increasing interest of roasters to source sustainable coffee and choosing 4C. With 4C certified producer groups they can count on reliable partners to achieve their goals.
4C is offering a new solution to support coffee companies
2023年11月17日 · 4C is a leading sustainability certification scheme for the entire coffee sector. 4C certification focuses on good agricultural and management practices, including requirements on economic, social and environmental conditions for coffee production and processing in order to establish credible sustainable and transparent supply chains.