4CX400A Radial Beam Power Tetrode 3/98 he Svetlana 4CX400A is a compact, high-perveance radial beam tetrode having a plate dissipation rating of 400 Watts. Because of the unique internal geometry of the Svetlana 4CX400A, the tube will operate at low plate voltage with high efficiency.
Technical Bulletin 5 - philpem
One that caught my eye was the 4CX400A (400 Watts plate dissipation). A closer look revealed it had possibilities as a drop-in upgrade to the Eimac 8930 (250 Watts plate dissipation). We'll examine this upgrade to two popular VHF amplifiers, ARCOS (W2GN) 2 Meter Kilowatt, and the Fair Radio/FAA surplus AM-6155/GRT-22 222 MHz linear amplifier.
Technical Bulletin 14 - philpem
4CX400A Russian Tubes for the MLA-2500 Amplifier By: B.-N. "Bob" Alper, W6KT Article as first appeared in Communications Quarterly magazine, Summer 1996
4CX - EIMAC - Transmitting Tubes - Tubes - Transmitting, Audio, …
Please follow the instruction insert for proper installation. This is a “Good Used Tube” or “Pull”. Some are removed from New or Reconditioned Military or Commercial Equipment. This tube receives the Full RF PARTS Testing, and is electrically similar to our NOS tube at 95%-100%.
Datasheet Archive: 4CX400 datasheets
Text: SVETLANA TECHNICAL DATA 4CX400A Radial Beam Power Tetrode he Svetlana 4CX400A is a compact, high-perveance radial beam tetrode having a plate dissipation rating …
electron Tube Data sheets - 4 - PoC-Net
4 select the first character of the tube < 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z > 4-1 (1-500) 47 (501-1000) 4Y2 (1001-1007 ...
4CX - Svetlana - Transmitting Tubes - Tubes - Transmitting, Audio, …
This New Old Stock (NOS) tube has been recently tested and meets all technical specifications. The Warranty period for this tube is Ninety Days from the date of purchase, for the original customer only. Please follow the instruction insert for proper installation.
Svetlana 4CX400A Radial Beam Power Tetrode - G8WRB - Yumpu
2012年2月11日 · T<br /> he <strong>Svetlana</strong> <strong>4CX400A</strong> is a compact, high-perveance radial beam tetrode having a<br /> plate dissipation rating of 400 …
Svetlana Tubes stocked at RF Parts
Modifying the Svetlana SK3A socket to isolate the cathode from the chassis. High Efficiency Power Amplifier Design. Technical Topics (572B); modification of FL2100B & FL2100F Linears …
Tube-Town Germany - Hot Stuff Cool Sounds
The 4CX400A is a high-perveance tetrode possessing 400 watts plate dissipation capability when air cooled. It resembles other external anode tubes, particularly those of EIMAC TM and PENTA TM manufacture.