BTR-4 - Wikipedia
Ukrainian state defense manufacturer UkrOboronProm has unveiled a prototype wheeled armored fighting vehicle that is presently known as the BTR-4MV1. The new BTR-4MV1 is the latest generation of 8×8 IFV.
脱俄入欧的乌克兰BTR-4MV1步战,外形时髦,火力强大 - 知乎
BTR-4MV1采用了先进的BM-7Parus遥控武器站,该炮塔配备一门ZTM-1型30毫米自动加农炮,能够发射APT(穿甲 曳光弹)和APIT(穿甲燃烧曳光弹),弹药最大射程为2000米,HEI(高爆燃烧弹)和FT弹药的最大射程为4000米,备弹300发。
我家还蛮大的——乌克兰BTR-4MV1装甲运兵车 - 哔哩哔哩
在动力系统上,BTR-4MV1采用了一台450匹马力的道依茨BF6M1015CP柴油发动机,搭配8速自动变速箱,公路极速可达110km/h,越野性能良好。 整车战斗全重可达25吨,功重比约为18,加速性能合格。
乌克兰公布了新的BTR-4MV1 - 百度贴吧
新的BTR-4MV1是由Kharkiv Morozov机械设计局(UkrOboronProm的一部分)设计,开发和生产的最新一代8×8 APC装甲运兵车。 BTR-4MV1是按照北约标准设计的。 该车辆基于BTR-4,但具有许多新的改进。
摆脱BTR-80的影子——乌克兰BTR-4MV1装甲输送车 - 搜狐
2024年6月18日 · BTR-4MV1基本型的重量为21.9吨,带附加装甲套件后增至23.6吨(可增至24~25吨),比BTR-4系列(17.5~21.5吨)多2~3吨。 该车配备BM-7 Parus遥控炮塔。
The military uses unique BTR-4MV1 and BMP-1TS in battles
2022年6月8日 · The Armed Forces of Ukraine use unique Ukrainian combat vehicles in battles. Recently, the Ukrainian-made BTR-4MV1 was spotted on the frontline. BTR-4MV1 is a modification of the BTR-4 armored vehicle, an eight-wheeled armored personnel carrier designed in Ukraine by the Kharkiv Machine Building Design Bureau.
Ukraine promotes its advanced wheeled fighting vehicle for …
2021年2月20日 · Ukraine’s military export agency will unveil the latest version of the BTR-4 wheeled fighting vehicle, called the BTR-4MV1 at IDEX 2021. The new combat vehicle offers significant improvements over the BTR-4 series. An advanced modular armour protection system provides the vehicle with NATO STANAG-standard from bullets, guns, and weapons.
Ukrainian soldiers conduct field tests with new BTR-4MV1 8x8 IFV ...
2023年7月24日 · Equipped with a BM-7 "Parus" turret, the BTR-4MV1 housed a 30mm ZTM-1 automatic cannon, a 7.62mm KТ-7.62 machine gun, a 30mm KBА-117 AGL (Automatic Grenade Launcher), and two Barrier Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) launchers, providing it with enhanced versatility and firepower.
First trial tests of Ukrainian BTR-4MV1 8x8 armoured fighting vehicle
2017年12月12日 · According a video posted on the Facebook account of the Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, the BTR-4MV1, the latest generation of Ukrainian-made 8x8 armoured infantry fighting vehicle in the BTR-4 family has performed first trials including mobility and firing tests.
Ukraine debuts new BTR-4MV1 armoured personnel carrier with increased ...
2019年2月17日 · The newest version of Ukrainian BTR-4, called the BTR-4MV1, demonstrated in the framework of the international IDEX 2019 exhibition for the first time, received a new increased armour and opto-electronic sight with a powerful thermal imager, coupled with a high-precision digital fire control system.