Penta Labs RF Vacuum Tubes 4CX1000A - DX Engineering
DX Engineering offers a selection of Penta Labs single and matched sets of RF vacuum tubes and ceramic vacuum tubes for your electronics project or repair. Order yours today! Free Shipping - Penta Labs RF Vacuum Tubes with qualifying orders of $99. Shop Amplifier Replacement Parts at DX Engineering.
It is a low-voltage, high-current tube specifically designed for Class-ABI rf linear-amplifier or audio-amplifier applications where its high gain may be used to advantage. At its rated maximum …
4CX1000A/8168 Tetrode – Penta Laboratories
The 4CX1000A/8168 is a low voltage, high current radial beam power tetrode designed for Class AB1 RF linear amplifier or audio amplifier applications. Benefit from its high gain and low distortion characteristics for pristine signal reproduction and robust power handling.
4CX1000A Penta Laboratories | RF and Wireless | DigiKey …
Order Penta Laboratories 4CX1000A (5099-4CX1000A-ND) at DigiKey. Check stock and pricing, view product specifications, and order online.
4CX1000A Datasheet(PDF) - Communications & Power Industries, Inc.
Description: RF linear amplifier at 30 MHz. Manufacturer: Communications & Power Industries, Inc..
K2VCO 4CX1000A RF Linear Amplifier - qsl.net
K2VCO 4CX1000A RF Linear Amplifier This amplifier is finally more or less finished. The intention is to have a 1500-watt output, brick-on-the-key rated amplifier, usable for all modes -- although the chances of me operating any mode other than CW are small.
Tetrode 4CX1000A/8168
The 4CX1000A/8168 is a low voltage, high current tetrode specifically designed for Class AB1 RF linear amplifier or audio amplifier applications where its high gain and low distortion characteristics may be used to advantage.
4CX1000A / 8168 Eimac Ceramic Power Tetrode (Pull) - RF Parts
The 4CX1000A/8168 is a ceramic and metal, forced-air cooled, radial-beam tetrode, with a rated maximum plate dissipation of 1000 watts. It's a low voltage, high current tetrode specifically designed for Class AB1 RF linear amplifier or audio amplifier applications, where its high gain and low distortion characteristics may be used to advantage.
POWER TETRODE 4CX1000A/8168 SHORT FORM SPECIFICATION Plate Dissipation (Max.) 1000 W Screen Dissipation (Max.) 12 W Grid Dissipation (Max.) 1 W Frequency for Max. rating (CW) 110 MHz Amplification Factor Filament/Cathode Oxide-coated Unipotential Voltage 6.0 V Current 9,0 A Capacitance Grounded Cathode Input 81,0 pF Output 11,8 pF Feed through ...
4CX1000A型电子管 - 国产 (中国 北京市 贸易商) - 电子管 - 电子元 …
4CX1000A型电子管系金属陶瓷结构、氧化物阴极、强迫风冷束射四极管。 其板耗为1000W。 由于具有高增益,有利于用作AB1类射频线性放大器和音频放大器。 在额定阳极电压3KV时,能够产生1630W的峰包输出功率。 两只4CX1000A管工作在AB1类,可以产生3260W的音频输出功率。 免责声明:以上信息由企业自行提供,内容的真实性和合法性由发布企业负责。 「自助贸易」对此不承担任何保证责任。 举报投诉:如发现违法和不良资讯,请 点此处举报。 4CX1000A型电 …