It is a low-voltage, high-current tube specifically designed for Class-ABI rf linear-amplifier or audio-amplifier applications where its high gain may be used to advantage. At its rated maximum plate voltage of 3000 volts, it is capable of producing 1630 watts of peak-envelope output power.
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4cx1000a / 8168
The 4CX1000A/8168 is a low voltage, high current tetrode specifically designed for Class AB1 RF lin-ear amplifier or audio amplifier applications where its high gain and low distortion characteristics may be used to advantage.
4CX1000A/8168 Tetrode – Penta Laboratories
The 4CX1000A/8168 is a low voltage, high current radial beam power tetrode designed for Class AB1 RF linear amplifier or audio amplifier applications. Benefit from its high gain and low distortion characteristics for pristine signal reproduction and robust power handling.
4CX1000A, 8168, Eimac, Ceramic, Power Tetrode, Used - RF Parts
The 4CX1000A/8168 is a ceramic and metal, forced-air cooled, radial-beam tetrode, with a rated maximum plate dissipation of 1000 watts. It's a low voltage, high current tetrode specifically designed for Class AB1 RF linear amplifier or audio amplifier applications, where its high gain and low distortion characteristics may be used to advantage.
4CX1000A/8168 Plate Dissipation (Max.) Screen Dissipation (Max.) Grid Dissipation (Max.) Frequency for Max. rating (CW) Amplification Factor Filament/Cathode Voltage Current Capacitance Input Output Feed through 1000 W
Tetrode 4CX1000A/8168 - relltubes.com
The 4CX1000A/8168 is a low voltage, high current tetrode specifically designed for Class AB1 RF linear amplifier or audio amplifier applications where its high gain and low distortion characteristics may be used to advantage.
Eimac Power Grid Tube - Quick Reference Data Sheet
The 4CX1000A/8168 is a low voltage, high current tetrode specifically designed for Class AB1 RF linear amplifier or audio amplifier applications where its high gain and low distortion characteristics may be used to advantage.
Penta Labs 4CX1000A Tube - truckscbsales.com
The 4CX1000A/8168 is a low voltage, high current radial beam power tetrode designed for Class AB1 RF linear amplifier or audio amplifier applications. Benefit from its high gain and low distortion characteristics for pristine signal reproduction and robust power handling. Key Features: Maximum Plate Dissipation: 1,000 Watts.
4CX1000A, Tube 4CX1000A; Röhre 4CX1000A ID30545, Beam …
Tube 4CX1000A or Röhre 4CX1000A ID30545, Beam Power Tube, TRANSMITTING & Power-TUBES/VALVES in gen and shown. Radio tubes are valves.
Item as described, fast shipping, good communication. A+ seller. Photos are the actual EIMAC 4CX1000A RF tube. Tested in my friend's Collins 30S-1 amplifier. This is my spare. Test results must exceed the tester minimums by at least 10%. I attempt to match all the tubes sold in pairs to within 7% of the test readings.